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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual December 1964 |

Force applied at the parking brake lever is transmitted to both right and left rear brakes by means of a single actuating cable which passes through the equalizer and is connected at each end to an actuating lever within e brake assembly 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Fig 2 Wheel Cylinder 1 Push Rod Boot 5 Piston Cup Expander 2 Piston 6 Piston Cup 3 Housing 7 Fluid Inlet 4 Spring 8 Bleeder Valve MAINTENANCE A In any service operation it is extremely important that absolute cleanliness be observed Any foreign matter in the hydraulic system will tend to clog the lines ruin the rubber cups of the main and wheel cylinders and cause inefficient operation or even failure of the braking system Dirt or grease on a brake lining may cause that brake to grab first on brake application and fade out on heavy brake application RF RR FRONT OF VEHICLE 4 Fig 4 Proper Bleeding Sequence I The parking brake lever is of the single stroke ratchet type and incorporates a trigger release which is located in the lever grip For correct adjustment procedure of service and parking brakes consult Maintenance and Adjustments in this section 1 2 3 i i i 4 5 6 7 8 9 Fig 3 Main Cylinder 1 Reservoir Cover 7 Spring 2 Bail Wire 8 Primary Cup 3 Seal 9 Piston 4 Body 10 Secondary Cup 5 Valve Seat 11 Lock Ring 6 Valve Assembly 12 Boot ND ADJUSTMENTS HYDRAULIC BRAKE FLUID Only GM Hydraulic Brake Fluid Supreme No 11 should be u ed when servicing brakes This brake fluid is satisfactory for any climate and has all the qualities necessary for satisfactory operation such as a high boiling point to prevent vapor lock and the ability to remain fluid at low temperatures In the event that improper fluid has entered the system it will be necessary to 1 Drain the entire system 2 Thoroughly flush the system with clean alcohol 188 proof or a hydraulic system cleaning fluid such as Decelen 3 Replace all rubber parts of the system including brake hoses 4 Refill the system with GM Hydraulic Brake Fluid Supreme No 11 BLEEDING HYDRAULIC SYSTEM The hydraulic brake system must be bled whenever any line has been disconnected or air has in some way entered the system The system must be absolutely free of air at all times Bleeding should be done on the longest line first and the proper sequence to follow is left rear right rear right front and left front fig 4 Bleeding of brake line may be accomplished by one of two methods either pressure or manual CORVAIR SHOP M Nllel