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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual December 1964 |

Fig 13 Using Drum to Broke Shoe Clearance Gauge b Turn the tool to the opposite side and fit over the brake shoes by turning the star wheel until the gauge just slides over the linings fig 14 c Rotate the gauge around the brake shoe lini g surface to assure proper clearance Alternate a Using the brake drum as an adjustment fixtur turn the star wheel until the drum slides ov r the brake shoes with a slight drag b Turn the star wheel 1 1 4 turns to retract the shoes This will allow sufficient lining to drum clearance so final adjustment may be made s described in Step 4 I S Fig 14 Checking Broke Shoe Lining Clearance 3 ingtall the drum and wheel NOTE 1 If lanced area in brake drum was knocked out be sure all metal has been removed from brake compartment Install new hole cover in drum to prevent contamination of the brakes NOTE 2 Make certain when installing drums thatt drums are installed in the same position as when removed with the drum locating tang in line with the locating hole in the axle shaft fig 15 4 Make final adjustment by making numerous forward and reverse stops applying brakes with a firm pedal ef ort until a satisfactory brake pedal height results NOTE Frequent usage of an automatic trans mission forward range to halt reverse vehicle mdtion may prevent the automatic adjusters from functioning thereby inducing low pedal heights PARKING BRAKE The service brake must be properly adjusted first as a base for the parking brake adjustment Adjustment 1 Jack up both rear wheels 2 Pull parking brake lever up 1 notch from fully released position 3 Loosen the forward check nut on the equalizer and tighten the rear oae untii a heavy drag is felt when rear wheels are rotated 4 Tighten check nuts securely 5 Folly release parking brake and rotate rear wheels no drag should be present 4 1 Fig 15 Aligning Drum Tang with Wheel Hub rnw o aurv u uu