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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual December 1964 |

y aJi e r 21 v y s 22 S 24 1 11 6 7 4 5 2 3 11 Remove the pump discharge needle valve and power enrichment needle valve 12 Remove the idle mixture adjusting needle and spring Remove main metering jet 13 Remove vapor vent assembly 14 If necessary remove two choke valve retaining screws and slide choke valve out of choke shaft Remove choke shaft from carburetor bowl cover 15 Remove fast idle cam 16 If necessary invert carburetor bowl and remove throttle valve retaining screws and remove throttle valve and shaft assembly Cleaning and Inspection Dirt gum water or carbon contamination in the carburetor or on the exterior moving parts are often responsible for unsatisfactory performance For this reason efficient c a r b u r e t i o n depends upon careful cieaning and inspection while servicing 1 Thoroughly clean carburetor castings and metal parts in clean cleaning solvent CAUTION Pump plunger and gaskets should never be immersed in carburetor cleaner 2 Blow out all passages in castings dry with compressed air and blow out all parts until they are dry 17 8 19 1 0 is l b 12 13 044 14 15 Il er Exploded View 14 Needle 20 Vacuum 15 Float Assembly Diaphragm 16 Fast Idle Rod 21 Retainer Screws 17 Choke Shaft 22 Choke Valve Lever Screw 23 Choke Shaft and 18 Choke Shaft Outer Lever Lever Assembly 19 Choke Shaft Kick Lever 24 Diaphragm Link rrrv o twns u uw