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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual December 1964 |

fW S 2 w v v v t d I t ta UNLOADER FAST L TANG r y CHOKE COIL FAST IDLE TANG CAM Fig 34 Choke Housing and Fast Idle Linkage e If necessary adjust by bending metering rod arm at point shown 11 Install new float needle valve seat and needle valve in bowl cover then install float and float hinge pin with the hinge pin shoulder to outboard side of carburetor bowl 12 Adjust Float as follows 0 Invert cover and measure the distance between cover gasket surface and float at center of float fig 31 This FLOAT LEVEL dimension should be 5 8 or use Tool J 21056 e Adjust if necessary by bending float arm 9 Invert cover to upright position allowing floatto hang down Measure the distance between cover gasket surface and seam of float at free end fig 32 This FLOAT DROP dimension should be 2 3 8 t 1 16 Adjust by bending the tang at hinge end 13 Install pump discharge needle fig 33 then install a new cover gasket on bowl and install bowl cover and six screws 14 Install fast idle link into choke housing and hook unloader p r o j e c t i o n over tang on fast idle cam assembly fig 34 15 Install choke link connector link to throttle lever keyed hole then to choke link with clip 16 Adjust fast idle as follows a Hold choke valve tightly closed and close throttle valve as far as it will go This places fast idle link on high step of cam b Hold the throttle valve in this position a 030 gauge Tool J 21056 should just go between throttle valve and bore at side opposite idle port c If necessary adjust by bending fast idle connector link at curvature NOTE Always perform fast idle adjustment before unloader adjustment 17 Check unloader adjustment as follows a Open throttle to wide open position while holding tension in opposite direction on choke valve b Measure the distance between choke valve edge cotvAE SF w