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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual December 1964 |

and bore opposite the vent tube side This un Illi loader measurement should be 7 18 c If necessary adjust by bending unloader tang on fast idle cam 18 Install choke baffle plate gasket choke coil housing housing retainer clips and screws onto choke housing with screws just snug 19 Adjust coil housing to specifications then tighten housing retainer screws Installation 1 Install c a r b u r e t o r over mounting studs on Turbo charger install lower front nut and washer first then install the other two nuts and washers and tighten 2 Conngct choke heat tube and fuel line at carburetor 3 Install air cleaner and connect clean air tube at air cleaner be sure air cleaner to carburetor 1 O ring seal is in place 4 Connect accelerator linkage at carburetor 5 Start the engine and adjust idle speed and mixture and throttle return check valve clearance as outlined in Sec tion 6 Engine Tune Up Turbocharger Option i t