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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual December 1964 |

y v v v v f I A f y 7 2 Inspect the turbine housing for a Wiping scoring or pit marks in the inner contour b Cracks along dividing tongue c Damaged threads in tapped holes or on studs 3 Inspect compressor housing for a Wiping scoring eroding or pit marks in the inner contour and scroll b Damage on gasket surface 4 Inspect turbine wheel and shaft assembly for a Nicked bent broken or missing blades b Cracks at edge of blades c Scoring on back face or back hub d Excessive side wear or carbon build up in shaft seal ring groove e Shaft discoloration due to overheating normal color is light tan 5 Inspect impeller for a Nicked broken or missing blades b Evidence of rubbing on blades or back face c Fit of impeller on turbine shaft must be press fit 6 Inspect bearing housing for a Scoring heavy wear on the bearing bore b Cracked or damaged bearing flange face c Damaged O ring seats or snap ring grooves d Thread damage in oil inlet or outlets e A secure bearing roll pin 7 Inspect the bearing for a Scuffing pit marks scrathces b Imbedded foreign material c Damage to thrust surfaces d Damage on external diameter or shim surface 8 Inspect turbine shield for flatness scoring eroding or pitting and spring ring for damage warpage or loss of tension 9 Cbeck mating ring for scuffing discoloration or carbbn build up on sealing or thrust surfaces 10 Inspect the oil seal assembly a For chipping scoring or uneven and excessive wear on the carbon face seal insert b For damage to O ring seal groove o t f V i l q Fig 43 Removing Bearing Retainer Ring