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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual December 1964 |

ICsNIT10 I DE Page I General Description 6Y 16I Maintenance and Adjustments 6Y 16 Contact Point Replacement 6Y 16 Condenser Replacement 6Y 17 Service Operations 6Y 17I Distributor 6Y 17 Removal 6Y 17 Disassembly 6Y 18I GENERAL IDE The distributor and spark plugs are the only ignition system components that require periodic service The remainder of the ignition system requires only periodic inspection to check operation of the units tightness of the electrical connections and condition of the wiring When checking the coil test with a reputable tester I Distributors are equipped with a cam lubricator and should have the lubricator replaced at the same time the contact point set is replaced It is not necessary t c lubricate the breaker cam when using a cam lubricat x o however the breaker cam should be wiped clean and lightly lubricated when installing a new lubricator o no attempt to lubricate the element Replace whe i necessary When installing a new lubricator adjust it position so the circumference of the lubricator jus touches the lobe of the breaker cam Distributor shaft lubrication is accomplished by reservoir of lube around the mainshaft in the distributo body The distributor used on the turbo supercharged engines is different from other engine model distributors in that a pressure retard unit replaces the ordinary advance unit This unit retards the spark during the time the manifold is pressurized partially opposing centrifugal advance at high engine rpm The curve is as shown i Figure li I Service operations are the same as on regulator distributor except for those operations relating to thle vacuum advance unit MAINTENANCE AP CONTACT POINT REPLACEMENT Refer to Figures 2i through 4i 1 Release distributor cap hold down screws remove cap and place it out of work area 2 Remove rotor and dust shield 3 Pull primary and condenser lead wires from contact point quick disconnect terminal fig 2i 4 Remove contact set attaching screw lift contact point set from breaker plate fig 2i 5 Clean breaker plate of oil smudge and dirt I 6 Place new contact point assembly in position dn breaker plate install attaching screw SYSTEM X Page Cleaning and Inspection 6Y 18 Assembly 6Y 19 Installation 6Y 19 Coil Replacement 6Y 20 Ignition Switch Replacement 6Y 20 Spark Plugs 6Y 21 Cleaning and Regapping 6Y 21 Installation 6Y 21 SCRIPTION f y Fig 1i Distributor Spark Curve Spark plugs should be removed inspected cleaned and regapped at tune up Defective plugs should be replaced see Servicing of Units Off the Vehicle ID ADJUSTMENT CAUTION Carefully wipe protective film from point set prior to installation NOTE Pilot on contact set must engage notching hole in breaker plate 7 Connect primary and condenser lead wires to quick disconnect terminal on contact point set 8 Check and adjust points for proper alignment and breaker arm spring tension fig 3i Use an aligning tool to bend stationary contact support if points need alignment 9 Set point opening 019 for new points fig 4i 10 Rotate cam lubricator 90 fig 2i