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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual December 1964 |

CAM LUBRICATOR CONTACT SET ATTACHING SCREW v QUICK DISCONNECT TERMINAL BREAKER PLATE ATTACHING SCREWS Fig 2i Breaker Plate and Attaching Parts 9 Fig 3i Checking Breaker Arm Spring Tension SERVICE 1 DISTRIBUTOR REMOVAL 1 Release distributor cap hold down screws remove cap and place it out of work area NOTE If necessary to remove secondary leads from distributor cap mark position on cap tower for lead to No 1 cylinder This will aid in reinstallation of leads in cap 2 Disconnect distributor primary lead from coil terminal 11 Reinstall dust shield rotor position and lock distributor cap to housing 12 Check and set ignition timing See Engine TuneUp Section 7 CONDENSER REPLACEMENT Refer to Figure 2i 1 Release distributor cap hold down screws remove cap and place it out of work area 2 Remove rotor and dust shield 3 Disconnect condenser lead wire from contact point quick disconnect terminal 4 Remove condenser attaching screw lift condenser from breaker plate Wipe breaker plate clean 5 Install new condenser using reverse of procedure outlined above i ADJUST DWELL ANGLE SETTING OR POINT OPENING Fig 4i Setting Point Opening PERATIONS 3 Scratch a realignment mark on distributor in line with rotor segment fig 2i 4 Disconnect vacuum line from vacuum control assembly retard unit on turbo charged engines remove distributor hold down bolt and clamp remove distributor from engine Note position of vacuum advance assembly relative to engine for correct reinstallation fig 5i CAUTION Avoid rotating engine with distributor removed as ignition timing will be upset rrvv e eune u ru