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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual December 1964 |

y e w 7 n n n o m r j v v IMPROVISED 64 CIL 3 4 BLOCKER 1 2 BLOCKER RING i i Fig 78 13 Blocker Ring Length Comparison l REAR BEARING i RETAINER i THRUST WASHER G i S F GEAR t 2 SYNCRO Fig 78 14 Installing 1 2 Synchronizer First Gear and Rear Bearing Retainer on Mainshaft first gear sleeve on mainshaft Press first gear sleeve synchronizer hub and second speed gear onto main8haft until they bottom using J 5590 or other suitable tool 3 Install blocker ring in rear of 1 2 synchronizer being sure that notches in blocker ring engage keys in sy0chronizer unit It should be noted that blocker rings used in the 1 2 synchronizer have slightly longeIr hubs than those used in the 3 4 synchronizer fig 7B 13 Then slide first speed gear and its thrust washer onto mainshaft fig 7B 14 4 Install assembled rear bearing retainer and rear bearing onto mainshaft and secure with selective fit snap ring With the proper snap ring installed three thick iesses available maximum end play between rear face of rear bearing and snap ring will be 005 5 Invert mainshaft and install third speed gear clutching teeth upward onto mainshaft and seat it against the Mainshaft shoulder 6 Place 3rd speed blocker ring on cone surface of third speed gear then slide 3 4 synchronizer unit onto b locker ring Be sure notches in blocker ring engage clutch keys in synchronizer unit Install 4th speed blocker ring onto 3 4 synchronizer unit 7 Install special snap ring to front of mainshaft 8 If mainshaft roller bearings have become displaced load 34 needle bearings into innermost diameter and 38 n edle bearings into outermost diameter using a generous amount of petroleum jelly to prevent roller