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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual December 1964 |

k Fig 78 15 Mainshaft Roller Bearings Installed in Clutch Gear bearings from becoming displaced from clutch gear fig 7B 15 9 Carefully slide clutch gear onto mainshaft It is good practice to place the clutch gear on a bench with its pilot bore upward and insert the mainshaft into the clutch gear This prevents accidentally dislodging the clutch gear roller bearings This completes assembly of the mainshaft fig 7B 16 Assembly of Transmission 1 If removed position reverse inhibitor springs and ball in transmission case and secure with two plugs 2 Coat selector shaft with grease then insert through seal from the inside of the case Do not install shaft from front of case as notches in selector shaft will damage seal lips 3 Attach shift finger to selector shaft using two bolts and lock washer assemblies 4 Using a generous amount of petroleum jelly position the countergear thrust washers in the case Be sure the thrust washer tabs engage the grooves in the case 5 Insert the countergear with its roller bearings and dummy shaft 9 16 x 7 into the case via the rear bearing hole Carefully lift the countergear into alignment with the countershaft holes in the case then tap the countershaft into the gear from the rear of the case fig 7B 17 Use care to keep the dummy shaft constantly against the countershaft during the installation to prevent losing countergear roller bearings Tap countershaft in until it is flush with 1 Fig 78 16 Assembled Moiruhaft y t s A O t v IVG f t