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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual December 1964 |

FRONT t 1 SN 3 4 FORK 1 2 FORK Fig 78 22 Shift Forks Installation into the case The interlock end two opposite notches of the shaft goes to the rear of the case Engage 1 2 shift fork fig 7B 22 which is identified by the thru gate at the shift location with the 1 2 synchronizer Align the pin holes in the shaft and fork then tap shaft rearward until it engages interlock and secure fork to shaft with roll pin 19 Install detent ball spring gasket and cap in 1 2 detent channel fig 7B 23 Cap used at this location has the longer shank 20 Drop pin and remaining interlock into 3 4 detent channel then push 3 4 shift fork shaft partially through hole in front of case Engage 3 4 shift fork fig 7B 22 in 3 4 synchronizer align pin hole in shift fork and shaft then push shaft fully to rear of case until it engages interlock Secure shift fork shaft with roll pin 21 Install remaining detent ball spring nylon washer and cap in 3 4 detent channel at left rear of case 22 Prior to installing front bearing retainer and side cover test operation of shift forks by actuating the shift selector lever with a small pin punch inserted in the hole in the shifter shaft If transmission shifts satisfactorily install front bearing retainer using a new gasket and secure with seven bolts tightened 15 20 ft lbs Complete assembly of transmission by installing side cover with new gasket and secure with eight bolts tightened 3 4 ft lbs MANUAL TRANSMISSION REMOVAL AND INSTALLATION 1 Disconnect engine seal at front shield left and right sides NOTE Disconnect seal from shield by grasping at lower edge and pulling groove of seal off of shield flanges 2 Disconnect starter motor wires at quick disconnect connector and one battery cable at battery 3 If so equipped disconnect radio ground straps at left and right shields Fig 78 23 installing 1 2 Shift Fork Detent Components 4 Raise vehicle and support on jack stands then remove grille and rear center shield 5 Place engine lift with Tool J 7894 attached under engine and support weight of engine 6 Loosen two engine rear mount nuts until nuts are flush with end of stud 7 Disconnect fuel line from body clip so that line can spring away from floor pan 8 Remove two upper retaining bolts from left and right rear strut rod brackets at differential carrier then loosen two lower retaining bolts at left and right rear strut rod bracket approximately 3 turns 9 Disconnect accelerator rods at transmission bellcrank 10 Disconnect left and right front strut rod brackets at engine front mount bracket 11 Drain transmission and axle 12 Disconnect clutch control rod at cross shaft 13 Disconnect and remove clutch cross shaft 14 Disconnect shift rod coupling at transmission shift rod 15 Disconnect emergency brake return spring at front mount bracket 7 k Fig 78 34 Removing Manual Transmission from Vehicle