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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual December 1964 |

THERMOSTAT LINE TO COMPRESSOR SWITCH CLUTCH SIC GL v v COMPRESSOR Operation Y controlled CONDENSE by thermostatic switch E H P VAPOR L P LIQUID H P LIQUID L P VAPOR Fig 10 Cycle of Operation The 1965 Corvair All Weather Air Conditioning System operates on either full outside air full inside recirculated air or a blend of both The evaporator is located beneath the dash with cold air hoses running to outlets in the center and at both ends of the dash panel For added quietness the blower is mounted in the luggage compartment Air flow enters the car through an adjustable barrel outlet located in the center of the instrument panel and adjustable ball outlets on each end of the instrument panel These ball outlets are reversible providing spot cooling when turned one way diffused air flow when reversed All three outlets may be completely shut of when desired GENERAL I NF In any vocation or trade there are established proce dures and practices that have been developed after man years of experience In addition occupational hazard may be present that require the observation of certain precautions or use of special tools and equipment Ob serving the procedures practices and precautions servicing refrigeration equipment will greatly reduce th possibilities of damage to the customers equipment a well as virtually eliminate the element of hazard to th serviceman PRECAUTIONS IN HANDLING REFRIGERANT 12 Refrigerant 12 is transparent and colorless in both th gaseous and liquid state It has a boiling point of 21 7 below zero and therefore at all normal temperature and pressures it will be a vapor The vapor is heavie than air and is noninflammable nonexplosive non IC CAPILLARYUBINGI EXPANSION VALVE vHT 4S5 eS r i 7 i RECEIVER DEHYDRATOR EVAPORATOR tIM H P VAPOR POWER ELEMENT Corvair Air Conditioning Temperature control is by means of a thermostatic switch located on the evaporator case which controls the operation of the compressor cycling clutch Other system components remain much the same as in previous Corvair Air Conditioning Systems Hose clamp connections are used throughout the system Two AG AGC 15 ampere fuses located in in line connectorsi mounted behind the instrument panel lower flange and to the left of the radio cover protect 1 The compressor clutch and low and medium blower speed circuits 2 The high blower speed circuit ORMATION poisonous except when in contact with an open flame and noncorrosive except when in contact with water The following precautions in handling R 12 should be observed at all tines All refrigerant drums are shipped with a heavy metal screw cap The purpose of the cap is to protect the valve and safety plug from damage It is good practice to replace the cap after each use of the drum e If it Is ever necessary to transport or carry a drum or can of refrigerant in a car keep it in the luggage compartment Refrigerant should not be exposed to the radiant heat from the sun for the resulting increase in pressiire may cause the safety plug to release or the drum or can to burst Drums or disposable cans should never be subjected to high temperature when adding refrigerant to the system In most instances heating the drum or can is