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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual December 1964 |

Common sense should be the governing factor in performing any leak test since the necessity and extent of any such test will in general depend upon the nature of the complaint and the type of service performed on the system It is better to test and be sure if in doubt than to risk the possibility of having to do the job over again Leak Detector Tool J 6084 fig 13 is a propane gas burning torch which is used to locate a leak in any part of the Refrigerant system R 12 gas drawn into the sampling tube attached to the torch will cause the torch flame to change color in proportion to the size of the leak Propane gas fuel cylinders used with the torch are readily available commercially throughout the country CAUTION Do not use lighted detector in any place where combustible or explosive gases dusts or vapors may be present Operating Detector 1 Open control valve only until a low hiss of gas is heard then light gas at opening in chimney 2 Adjust flame until desired volume is obtained This is most satisfactory when blue flame is approximately 3 8 above reaction plate The reaction plate will quickly heat to a cherry red 3 Explore for leaks by moving the end of the sampling hose around possible leak points in system Do not pinch or kink the hose NOTE Since R 12 is heavier than air it is good practice to place open end of sampling tube immediately below point being tested particularly in cases of small leaks CAUTION Do not breathe the fumes that are CHIMNEY REACTION PLATE BURNER HEAD F BURNER TUBE VALVE ASSEMBLY PROPANE GAS 3 CYLINDER SAMPLING TUBE II I Fig 13 Leak Detector FIVE TIME FUSE CORD TO PUMP PUMP DISCHARGE w m r o i i T I 10 AC SOURCE INLET OUTLET