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Corvair Chassis Shop Manual December 1964 |

sTEOair SECTION TEERING GEAR TI Type Reeirculating Bail Steering Ratio Gear 18 1 Overall 23 5 1 INKAGE Type Parallel Relay I Location Front of Wheels Tie Rods 2 CHASSIS ELEv SECTION Bulb Application j Headlamp Unit Outer High Beam I Low Beam Inner High Beam Parking Lamp Tail Stop and Directional Lamps J Back up Lamps Instrument Lamps 1 Directioaal Signal Indicator Headlamp High Beam Indicator Heater Control Panel Lamps Temperature Pressure Oil Indicator Generator Fan j Indice Glove Compartment Lamps Dome Lamp Cartridge Type r Courtesy Lamp t License Plate Lamp Radio Dial Lamp 1 i RJSES AND CIRCUIT BREAKER A 15 ampere circuit breaker in the light controll switch protects the headlamp circuit thus eliminatingl 3ne fuse i Fuses located in the junction block beneath the dash i are i v Heater Blower S Glove Compartment Lamp 3AG AGC 10 amp I Tail and Stop Lamps Dome Lamp Cigarette Lighter 3AG AGC I0 amp Heater Total i Back Up Lamp 3AG AGC 20 amp I Radio 3AG AGC 2 5 amp I 9 RQUE CHART Worm Blearing Preh d 3 I 2 to 4 1 2 in lbs Sector Lash Adjustment 8 to 10 in lbs in excess of above Max Steering Gear Preload 14 in lbs Steering Gear Mounting Bolts 25 35 ft lbs Pitman haft Nut 80 105 ft lbs Steering Wheel Nut 25 35 ft lbs Tie Rod End Nut 29 43 ft lbs Tie Rod Clamp Bolts 12 16 ft lbs Idler Arm Mounting Bolts 14 20 ft lbs CTRICAL 12 Candif Number Power 37 1 2 Watt 4002 55 Watt Sealed Beam 37 1 2 Watt 4001 4 32 1157 3 2 1156 3 1816 and 1 1445 toF a 1895 12 211 8 631 4 67 2 1893 Instrument Panel Lamp Radio Panel Lamp Heater Control Panel Lamp 3AG AGC 3 amp a Windshield Wiper 3AG AGC 20 amp ir Conditioner Fuses 3AG AGC 15 amp ocated in 14 GA and 12 GA gray wires in area of Inition switch PER MOTOR Ingle Speed Type Electric Crank Arm Rotation looking at the crank arm CCW Crank Arm Speed No Load 43 rpm Operat lng Voltage 12 VDC Current Draw Free Speed 3 0 amp Max Dry Windshield 3 5 amp Max Stall Current 11 amp CORVAYt SHOP MANUAL