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Parts Illustration Catalog P&A 11A July 1975 |

HOLLEY 4 B C 1 3 838 SCREW pump cover asw 49 N S PLATE choke 2 3 838 COVER ASSY fueI pumh 50 3 858 VALVE pump discharge needle 3 3 838 DIAPHRAGM ASSY 51 N S S GASKET part of kits 3896608 4 3 841 SPRING diaphragm return 3905845 46 5 3 730 SCR EW b0vv to body 52 3 774 NOZZ LE pum discharge 6 N S S G l E I part of kits 3851763 64 65 53 N S S GASKET part uf kits 3851763 64 65 7 3 734 BOWL fuel w plugs primary 54 37841 SCREW pump discharge noule 8 3 747 PLUG fueI level check 55 3 758 DIAFHRAGM ASSV carb secondary throttle 9 N S S GASl ET part of kits 3851763 64 65 56 3 755 SCREW carb di D1lI G Mwer 10 3 740 SCREEN carb fuel filter 57 3 859 PRlNG di phregm secondary 11 3 740 TUBE fueI line 58 3 858 DIAPHRAGM ROD ASSY secondaryl 12 3 740 FI I I NG fueI inlet 59 3 858 HOUS NG cerb diaphragm secondary 13 N S S SEAL 0 ring part of kits 3851 76364 65 60 N S S GASKET part nf kits 3851763 64 65 14 3 814 NEEDLE UNIT float 61 8 907 SCREW diaphgrarn housing essy 8 32 x 1 I5 N S S GASKET part of kits 3851763 65 62 3 734 BOWL ASSY fue w Dlugs secondary 16 3 814 NUT needIe adjusting B3 3 740 PLATE baff e carb fuel bowl ltecunduryl 17 N S S GASKET part of kits 3851763 65 64 3 734 BODY ASSY main metering w plugs secondary 18 3 814 SCREW needle lock 65 3 792 JET mtr primary 19 3 740 EAFF LE fue bowl prim 66 N S S SEAL pert of kits 3851763 64 65 20 3 745 FLOAT ASSY 67 3 740 FlFE fueI line 21 8 934 RETAINE R 68 N S S GASI ET part of kits 3851763 1 65 22 3 747 SPRlNG f 0at torsion 69 3 758 PLATE throttle prirrury 84 secondary 23 N S S GASKET part of kits 3851763 6465 70 3 761 SCR EW throttie plate 24 3 822 SCREW idle adjusting 71 3 729 BODY ASSY throttle wlshaft 25 N S S SEAL part of kits 3851 763 64 65 72 8 913 SCREW l0 32 k 5 16 26 3 734 8DDY main metering vv plugs primary 73 N S AIR HORN carhu retor 27 N S S GASI ET par of kits 3851763 64 85 74 3 752 RETAINE R d1oke rod 28 N S S GASKE plrt of kits 385176364 55 75 3 766 LE VE R fut idle cam 29 3 858 VALVE ASSY power 76 N S S BA LL p rt of kit 3851765 30 3 792 JET main secondary 77 3 767 SCREW fast idle cam lever adjusting 31 8 907 SCREW thermostst housing clamp 78 N S SCREW 8 CQ X 7 16 79 8 934 RETAINER diaphrsgm link secondary 32 3 750 cLAMP w can rherm type TE 33 3 750 HOUSING ASSY therm0st t 80 3 858 LE VER ASSY diaphregm 34 N S S GASKET pert of kits 385176364 65 81 8 907 SCREW thrott1e stop L 0 32 x 1 35 8 915 NUT choke thermostat shaft 8 36 82 3 761 SPR NG adi screw primary 36 EI 932 L WASHE Rfchuke shaft nut 8 83 3 842 CAM pump 37 3 752 SPACER choke shaft 8 lever 84 3 841 SCREW pump cam lock 38 3 752 LEVER w link therm 85 3 841 RETA NER fueI pump operating lever S9 3 750 SCREW vv I we hsg 86 3 842 SCREW pump lever adi usti ng 40 3 750 HOUSING ASSY ch0ke w plugs B7 3 842 LEVER pump operating 41 N S S GASI ET pert of kits 3851 763 64 65 88 3 842 FlTT NG pump lever adjusting 42 3 752 SHAFT A SY choke 89 3 84I SPR NG fue pump lever adjusting 43 N S S SCFlEW pert of kit 3851765 90 3 838 SCREW diaphragm lever adjusting 44 3 766 CAM A Y fest idle 91 N S S GASKET pnrt of kits 385176364 65 45 8 938 C PlN thrott e connecting rod 3 64 x 1 2 92 3 761 WASI IER throttle connecting rod 46 3 752 SHAFT ASSY cho ke huusing 93 3 762 ROD throt tle nonnecti ng 47 3 752 ROD i hoke 94 3 741 SCREW thrott e body 48 3 752 SEAL choke rod 95 3 852 EAFFLE meter ng body bent GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION CHEVROLET 11A 7 75 ca s 3 000 GROUP