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uCC LQ l lr lm IT C K l CC AC C ll ICT lull T TiC T Z G4 S I I INTRODUCTION T GMT TC This Parts Catalog has been compiTled forthe purpose of locating Tidentifying T x T T C and ordering replacement parts All data and speciiicationscontained in this C C CC C T publication are based on the latest product information available at the time TC T C of printing Warehousing and Distribution Division reserves the right to make changes at any time without notice in data price specincations materials C TT material and model The List F rices sChown are suggested prices only for T T T sales toT consumers C C T C T T i C fs T Replacement parts are listedin this catalog under 15 major groups as shown i T C T T C E T on the content page Individual parts are assigned a Prime Group number T T T the first numeral of the group identifies the main unit it is affiliated with and T T C following the decimal is the 5ub Gro xp number underwhich all parts of the T C i same name and function are listedl For example Group 0 519 Camshaft The T T T T O denotes that it is an Engine Part 5l9T the sub groupwhere all Engine Camshafts are listed Related parts may also be found in the same group 1 T Within each group parts are listed by model year vehicle series part it number number used per vehicle or R H L H designation suggested list C T price part nTame and description T T i T C I T CC T Parts may be used in different locations on the car requiring the listing of the T C C C T part number in more than one group When this Cross Fleferencing occurs T T i CT the prime group isshown in brackets i e T 1 85O in the description column T T CTI To locate a listingfor a part determine the model vehicle and refer to the YY C group number identifying it which may be determined by using any of the C T A T following methods C T TT TC A When the name of the part is known consult the ALPHABETICAL l T lNDEX which lists parts by noun name and Group Number wherepart T I TC is listed T T i C B Reference may be made to the ILLUSTRATION CATALOG where Group l T C Numbers noun names or part numbers are shown T J l l T C l i C When a part number is known and model application or a similar part isC T I 5 C required consult the DEALER PRICE SCHEDULE for the Group Number T Ci T C C to locate the part in the Parts Catalog T C T T J l C Parts having application or used with optional equipment are identified by l A 1 A T i Option Number orabbreviationof option Familiarity with Option Numbers T TT C will assist in determining correct part requiredl l l l l Complete identification for models and options listed in this catalog will be I C found preceding the alphabetical index TC 2 C T l C l i Service part numbers are assigned to individual parts that make up an as lf C sembly used in the production of models Certain items may not be listed C T such as shortTtubing partsior fuel lines that can be made up by dealersT from C T C i T bulk material or attaching parts may be included in packages with the major T j T i T T assembly and not listed separately C T g j i Right Hand and Left I land parts are so designated from the driver s position i when seated in the car T T T C C C C i T w t sn usi c AND D STFllB UTlDl l uivision crceileimmorons coavomrioiisciisvnotsr iu C 7 l REV 12 83 C T s C C C C T C