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I ALPHABETICAL INDEX I MOTOR I Starter I 2 041 l NUT Rear Axle Cnntrnl Arm 5 383 Iv1OT R WintlsItae rI Wiper Motor 10150 l NUT Rear Compartment Floor I 12 981 MOUNTING Engine I I I I 0027 NUT Rear Compartment Lad antl End Gate 12184 MOUNTING Transmissuzn Mounting I I t 081 l NUT Rear Compartment Lirl Lack I 12 237 I MOUNT Transmission Mountrrag I 1 081 I NUT Rear Spring and Axle I I 7 529 MOUNT I Transmission Mounting 4 081 I NUT Rear Spring and Shock Attsorher Anchor G Plate II I I 7 5t NUT Rear View Mirror 10185 y NUT Rear Wandnw Delogger 9 778 N NUT Rocker Panel Moldrng I 8 309 NUT Roof I I I I 12 952 NUT Roni Panel I I I 12812 NECK Fue Tank Filler I I 3003 NUT Roni Panel 12810 NEEDLE Carburetor and Fuel Injection Irlle NUT Shock Absorber I III II I I 7 347 Adluustrrag I 3 822 NUT Shock Absorber Anchor I 7 395 NEEDLE KIT Carhuretor and Fairtl Meror intake NUT Side Marker anrl Hazard Flasher I 2 575 with Seat and Gasket I I 3 B14 NUT Spare Wheel Carrier II I I 7 633 NIPPLE Crartkcase I I 1 745 NUT Speedometer to Instrument NIPPLE Fuel Tank Filler 3 003 PaneIIDornestic I I I 9 761 NIPPLE Heater Water Flow I II I 8 866 NUT Stahrlner Link I I 7 Z45 NIPPLE Spark Plug Wire 2 258 NUT Starter Solenoid I II I I II I I 2 104 NOZZLE Carluuaretnr I I 3 774 NUT Steermg Column Attaching I I 6 760 NOZZLEI Fuel lnaector Metering I I I 3 332 NUT Steering Gear Housing I I 6 832 NOZZLEI Windshield Washer I I 10155 NUT Sleerrng Gear Shall I I I 6 525 NUMERAL Hood Panel Ornarnuntatinn 8 055 NUT Steering Krtur l Ie Spindle I II 6 022 NUT AIC Compressor Pulley I I 9 181 NUT I Steering Knuckle Lower Control Arm I II 5 172 NUT A C Electric Control I I I I 9 275 NUT Steering Putman Arm II I I I I II II II B 861 IIUT Airln ec1aon Reactor Pump I I I I 3 655 NUT Steering Pump I I I I I I I I I I IIII 5 655 NUT Body Mnldangs I I I I I I 12 118 NUT Steering Relay E4 Tie Rnd I IIII II 5 104 NUT Body Rear Enrl PIastrc Laminated II 12 985 NUT Tail Lamp I I I I I I I I I I 2 660 NUT Bumper tn Body II I I I II II I 7833 NUT Transmission Band Adtusting I I I I 4 253 NUT Bumper Face I IIII I I IIII I II 7 831 NUT Transmrssion Control Indicator I I 4 022 I NUT Carburetor and Fuel Meter Intake with NUT Transrmssron Control Rod I I I I I I 4 037 Seat antl Gaslret II II I I I II I I 3 814 NUT Transrnrssaon Control Rod To Lever I I 4 037 NUT Carburetor and Fuael Meter Fuel Inlet I I II 3 740 NUT Transmission Gearshrlt Rod I IIII I II 4 037 I NUT Carburetor Arr Cleaner and Silencer I 3 403 NUT I Trarasmrsslon Main Drive Gear Bearing I 4 355 I NUT Chassis Warrng Harness I I I II I I 2 559 NUT Transmassion Throttle Valve IIII I II 4 275 NUT Clock II II I I II I I I I I I II I I IIIIIIII I I 9 772 NUT Underhood II IIIII II I I I I 8 890 NUT Iutch Release Lever IIII I IIII I I I 0 873 NUT I Upper Control Arm Shalt II I I I I IIII I I I II 6 164 NUT Crankcase I I IIII III IIIII IIIIIIII I I I I 1745 NUT Windshield Wiper Motor Drive II IIIIIIIII 10151 NUT Distributor II I IIII I IIII I III III II I 2 383 NUT Windshield Wiper Access IIIII I 10 130 I NUT Door Lock I II I I III II I I I IIIII II I I 10474 NUT Door Outside Handle II I III II IIII I II 10527 NUT Door Window IIII I I I IIIIIIIII IIIII I III II I 10 716 l NUT Door Window Regulator IIIIII I IIII IIII I IIIIIII 10 792 O NUT Emission Control System I I I I IIII 3 671 NUT Engine Air Coolrng E ectrlcal I IIII I IIIIIII I I 1 055 NUT Engine Connecting Rnd Bolt I I I I I 0 526 O RING A C Compressor Pressure Reliel I II 9 178 NUT Engine Mounting II I I I 0 002 OIL A C Maintenance I IIIIIIIIIIIIII I IIIIIII I IIIIII I I III 9 282 NUT Engine Valve Atltustrng I IIIII I IIIIII 0 429 ORIFICE A CI Expansion Relrlgeraral II IIII II 9 213 NUT Exhaust Mulller II IIIIII I II I I 3 704 O RING A C Compressor Internal parts Radral 9172A NUT Exhaust Pipe I II II I I I I IIIIIII I 3 613 0 RING A CI Compressor Internal Parts lAxraI 9 172 NUT Exhaust Pipe I I IIII I II II I I I IIIII I 3 615 O RING A CI Relrlgerant IIIII II I I II I I I 9 195 NUT Frrant Dnnr Trim Frnash I I IIIII I I III I 14 691 O RING KIT A C Compressor I IIII IIIIII II IIIIII 9170 NUT Front Door Waridow IIIIII I II II IIIIII I 10 685 O RING Power Brake 8ouster Vaeuum II I II 4 924 NUT Front Fender Name IIIIIIIIIII I I IIIIIIIII 8 147 O RING Rear Axle Shalt Bearing or Hub IIIIIIII I 5 822 NUT Fuel Tank Filler I I I IIIII II 12 945 O RING Suctaora Throttlrng P 0IA I II II III I I I 9198 NUT Generator Rotor Shalt I I IIIII IIII II II 2 280 O RING Tuurn Signal Lamp IIIIIII I IIIII I IIIII I IIIIIIIII I 2 895 NUT Hardtop II I II III I I II IIIII I IIII 13 346 ORNAMENT Hood Panel Ornamentatloru I I III 8 055 NUT Headlamp lvlounting I I II I I IIIII IIII I IIII 2 729 ORNAMENT Parking Turn Srgnal and Cornerang NUT I Headlamp Retaining Rang IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 2 735 Lamp IIIIIIIIIII I III I IIIIIIIIIIIIII II III II I I 2 586 NUT Headlamp Switch IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I III IIIIIIII I 2 487 ORNAMENT I Wheel Cover Appearance I IIII 5 871 I NUT Heater and Delroster I IIIIIIIIIII I I 8 857 OUTLET Arr Distributor I IIII I I I I III I 9 262 I NUT Hand Panel Closing II IIIIII I I I II I I 8 024 OUTLET I Engine Coolant I IIIII II I 1 153 I NUT Haub Front and Rear I I IIII I I I I II I I I IIII 5 813 OVERHAUL KIT Transmission Overhaul II I IIII 4 005 NUT Hydraulic Steering Cylinder I IIIII IIIIIIIIII I 6 575 NUT Ignition Lock I IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII IIII I I I I 2 198 I I NUT Instrument Cluster I IIIIIIIIIIIIII I IIIIII II I II I I 9 743 NUT Instrument Panel Compartment Door IIII I 10 262 P I NUT KIT AICI Compressor IIIIII III III I I 9 170 NUT License Platc I IIII I IIII I IIIIII I IIIIII 7 800 I I NUT Luggage Carrier IIII I III I III I I I 12 815 PACKING Exhaust Pipe IIIIIIIIIII I IIIII I IIII I IIIIIII I 3 611 NUT Luggage Compartment IIIIIIII I I I I IIIIIIIII 9 988 PAD I Brake and Clutch Pedal III I III III III II 4 630 NUT Propeller Shall Pinion Flange III I II I IIIII II I I 5 595 PAD Door IIII II I IIII II I IIIII 10 587 NUT Radiator IIIIIIIIIIII I IIIII I IIIII IIIII I II I IIIIIIIIII 1 270 PAD Front Sear Back I IIII I I I I I II I 14 802 NUT Radiator 8aI1Ie and Shroud I I IIIII 1 276 PAD Instrument Panel I I I IIIII I IIIIII I 14 655 NUT Radiator Grrlle I I I IIIII I IIIIIII I IIIII I I I 1 269 PAD Steering Column Housing IIIIIIIIIIIIII I IIII I II 6 500 NUT Radiator Grrlle and Front End Panel IIII II II II 1 267 PAN Engine Oil I IIIIII IIII I II I II III I IIII I IIII I 1 426 NUT Radiator Grille and Front End PANEL Air Distributor IIIII IIIII I I I IIII I II I I 9 252 Ornamentation I I II I IIIIII I II II II I I 1303 PANEL Back Window Inner IIIIII I I I I II IIIII II 12 954 NUT Flarlio Antenna IIIII I IIIII I IIIIIIII II I I III I 9 647 PANEL Body Rear End PIastic Laminated I II I 12 986 NUT Radio Mounttnn I I I II I I IIIIIII 9 657 PANEL Cuwl Top Vent Louver IIIIIII I III IIIIIIIII I II 12 800 NUT Radio Static Suppression II I II I I IIIIIII I I 9 663 PANEL Door Opening Rocker I I I 12 934 NUT Rear Axle I III IIIII II I III I I I II IIIII I IIII 5 829 PANEL Folding Top Front Rool III I II I I I 14 050 WAREHOUSING DISTRIBUTION DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION CHEVROLET I4A INDEX 76 C 2 2