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ALPHABETICAL INDEX HOLDER KIT Carburetor Metering I 3 806 HORN Carburetor Air I I I 3 730 E HOSE Air Injection Reactor I I I 3 675 HOSE Fuel Line I II I II II I 3 63 HOSE Fuel Tank Frller I II I I I 3 003 ELBOW Air Cleaner Air Intake II I I I I 3 417 ELBOW Arr Injection Reactor and Exhaust Gas Recrrculatron II II I II I 3 680 EL CIWI Fuel Injection II I I II I I 3 330 I I ELBOW Fuel Line II I I I I II I 3 163 ELEMENT I Carburetor Arr Cleaner I I 3 410 ELEMENT Engine Fuel II I I I I II 3890 INSERT Carburetor Float I II I 3734 EXTENSION Arr Injection Reactor I I I II 3 675 INSERT Carburetor Metering I I II II I I 3 806 EXTENSION Exhaust I II I II I I I 3609 INSULATION Carburetor to Manifold I II 3 726 EXTENSION I Exhaust Tail Frpe I I II I I 3 705 INSULATOR I Carburetorto Manilolo I I 3 726 INSULATORI ExhaustMulller II I II II I I I 3704 I INSULATOR Fuel Tank Mounting I I II 3 022 F I J FAN Air Injector Reactor Pump II II III 3 665 FILTER Air Injection Reactor and Exhaust Gas Recirculation I I II I III I IIII I II I I IIIII I I 3I680 JET Carburetor Meterng Rnd with Gasket IIII 3 792 FILTER Carburetor and Fuel Meter Fuel Inlet I I 3 740 FILTER I Engine Fuel I I II IIIIII I II II I I I 3 890 I FILTER Fuel Tank Evaoorator Contro Engine aaai II II II I II I I I I I IIIIII I I 1 120 L F LTERIFueITank Gage I I I IIIIII I II I I 3 110 FILTER KIT Engine Fuel I I I I IIII II II II IIII 3 890 FITTING Air Injection Reactor and Exhaust Ga LABEL Fuel Tank Filler I I I I IIIIIIII I II I I 3 028 Recirculation II I I I I II I II I II III 3 680 LEVER Accelerator Petjal Lever II I I I I 3 454 I FITTING Intake Manilold Vacuum I I I I 3 278 LEVER Carburetor and Fuel Injection Choke III 3 752 I FLANGE Air Cleaner to Carburetor Mounting II 3 406 LEVER Carburetor and Fuel Injection Fast Idle 3 766 FLANGE Exhaust Pipe II III IIII I I I IIII I I IIII I IIII 3I610 LEVER Carburetor Power II IIII I I II II II 3 858 FLANGE Exhaust Tail Pipe II I I I II I IIII I IIIII 3 705 LEVER Carburetor Pump I III II I II I I I IIII III I 3 842 FLOAT I Carburetor and Fuel Meter I III I II 3 745 LEVER Cruise Control I I IIIII I II II I II II I 3 883 FRAME Carburetor Air Cleaner Controls IIIII II 3 415 LIMITEP Carburetor and Fuel Injection Idle Adjusting Screw III II IIII I III II I II 3823 LINK Carburetor I III I I I IIIII II I I I I I II I II III 3 755 LINK Cruise Control III I I I IIII I I II I I II 3 885 I J LOCK Air Injection Reactor and Exhaust Gas Rectrculation IIII I II I IIIII I II IIII I IIIII 3 680 LOCK Air Injection Reactor IIIIIIIIIIIIII I II I I III III I 3 575 GAGE Fuel Tank Meter I II II I IIIII I IIIIIII IIIII II I II I 3 107 LOCK Emission Control System IIII I I II I I I I I II 3 671 GAGE Instrument Panel Fuel Gage II I I IIIIIII 3 108 LOCK Exhaust Manilold End Bolt I I IIII I II 3 604 GASKET Air Injection Reactor and Exhaust Gas LOCK Exhaust System Attaching II II I II I II 3 708 I Recrrculatron IIII I II I IIIIIIIIIII II IIIIIIIIII I I II II I 3 680 GASKET Automatic Choke Control III I I II 3 750 GASKET Carburetor and Fuel Meter Fuel Inlet 3 740 GASKET Carburetor to Manilold IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 3 726 NI GASKET Carburetor Arr Cleaner and Silencer II 3 403 I GASKET Carburetor Float Bowl to Cover or Air Horn II III IIII I I II IIIIIIII I I I IIIIIII IIIII I 3 738 MANIFOLD I Engine Exhaust Manifold IIIIII I II I 3 601 I GASKET I Carburetor Idle Air Corroensator IIIIIII 3 820 MANIFOLD Engine Fuel Intake Manrlolo II II 3 265 I GASKET Choke Heater or Air IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I IIIIIIIII 3 603 METER Fuel Tank Meter I IIIII I IIII IIIII I IIII III I 3 107 GASKET EmisstortIContr System I I IIIII I IIIIIII I 3 671 MODULE Emission Control System I II IIIIIIIII 3 670 GASKET Engine Fuel IIIII II I IIIIIIIIIIIII I I II I IIIIII I 3 890 MDLDINGI Exhaust Manilold Heater I I I III II 3 602 GASKET Erhaust Manilold Heater I I II I I I II II II 3 602 MOTOR Carburetor Arr Cleaner Controls IIIIIIIII 3 415 GASKET Exhaust Pipe I IIII I IIII III IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I 3 611 GASKET Fuel Gage to Tank IIIIII I I I IIIIII I IIIIIIII 3 112 GASKET Fuel Injection IIIIIIIIIIIII I IIIIII IIIIII II I I II 3 308 GASKET Fuel Injector Metering IIII I I II IIII I II 3 332 N GASKET Fuel Meter Control IIII I IIIII II IIIII I I I IIII I 3 318 I GASKET Fuel Pump Mounting IIIII I III I IIII IIIIIII 3 904 GASKET Fuel Tanlt Filler Neck I II I II I I I 3 008 NECK Fuel Tank Filler I IIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII I II 3 003 GASKET KIT Carburetor IIIIII II II II IIII I I II I I I 3 724 NEEDLE Carburetor and Fuel Injection Idle GASKET KIT Manilold to Cylinder Head I I I IIIIII 3 270 Adjusting IIII II II II I I I IIIIIIIIIII I IIIIIIII I IIIIIIIIIIII 3 822 GASKET Manilold to Cylinder Head IIIIIIIIIIIII I I 3 270 NEEDLE KIT Carburetor and Fuel Meter Intake GUARD Engrne Fuel Intake Mentlolo I I IIII II I I 3 265 with Seat and Gasket IIII I I I IIIIIIIIIIII I IIII I 3 814 NIPPLE Fuel Tank Filler IIIIIII I I I I IIIIIIIIII II IIIIII I II 3 003 I NOZZLEI Carburetor IIIII IIII I IIII IIII I I I I 3 774 NOZZLEI Fuel Injector Metenng I II I 3 332 I H NUT Air Injection Reactor Pump I I I II I II I 3I655 NUT Carburetor and Fuel Meter Intake with Seat and Gasket I II II I I I I IIIIIII I II I 3 814 RANGER Catalytic Converter II III I I I I IIIIII I 3 690 NUT Carburetor and Fuel Meter Fuel Inlet I 3 740 I HANGER Exhaust Mounting IIIIIIIIII IIIII I I I 3 706 NUT Carburetor Air Cleaner and Silencer II I 3 403 HANGER Exhaust Mulller IIIII I I I IIIII I II I I 3 704 NUT Emission Control System I I III IIIIIIIII I 3 671 HANGER Exhaust Pipe IIII I III IIII I I II III 3 616 NUT Exhaust Mulller IIII II IIIII III I IIIII II I I IIII 3 704 I HANGER KIT Exhaust Mounting I III I III I 3 706 NUT Exhaust Pipe I II III III II I II IIIIIII II IIIIIII I 3 613 HANGER KIT Exhaust Mulller I I III I I II II 3 704 NUT Exhaust Pipe I I IIII I II III II II I I II I III 3 615 HARNESS Cruise Control III I I IIIIIIIII I IIIIIIIIII 3887 HARNESS HOSE P PE Air Injection Reactor 3 675 WAFIEHOUSING DISTRIBUTION DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION CHEVROLET 14A I I INDEX 3 2A E 4