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NOTE This Thumb lndeir is for vuur convenience How Index operates bend book back A A V wards to locate black block appearing on the first page of each group section These blocks are in the same relative position on this Group Index INDEX ALPHABETICAL INDEX ILLUSTRATION lg 1971 75 0 000 ENGINE i 1 000 I VEGA MDNZA COOLANT GR LLE DIL SYSTEM PARTS CATALOG cnassts I I ELECTRICAL SYSTEM I Printed In Its Enhrety FUEL EXHAUST Effective September 1974 CARBURETION 4 000 TRANSMISSIpN BRAKES I R 000 4 DRAKES REAR AXLE AND DRIVE 2 y 6 000 I PARTS DRDERS TD DEEHADED BY DIIEVRDLET DEALERS Fam xLE I STEERING TIITII DEIERAI IADTDRS PARTS DIVISIDII mo i A V FRAME 3PRINGS WAREHDUQES CONVENIENTLZ LQCATED AT THE FOLLOWING POINTS gupgn AI o w r N 1 I I ou c L a 3 5 2 1L Z r v T 2 S Eg i m A I B Mus AF im maanj MIIw uIt wu uma mv HEATER V sm tv r a mam Ia mam I r aI Ivr a V f b Inoa n poiI In N w rk N l P t st P 000 Drrgilraignrzxio J dt waII I I N w01I nr L Portluiq Bnocn BODV MTG Am cial Kaaacrtylma o tI a i RI m y yI u COND mkrn any am vm n v rst Lau No s r cam mma S S h 0ts W 11 000 MI illustrations any Spoeffigtlons oontalnzd in this literature are bsed Dn the SEA latest protiuetlon information available at the time of publication approval Chew roIet Motor Division merves the right to make changes at any tlnI without notice l2 000 in colors rnataritlt equipment qnciflutiom and models and also to discontinue METAL TRM Cl l m 4 I t V AND PANELS nt wm nowtt in zthis catalog under the hud List Prios are suggested V V l f P V I L c tor Tam I 14 000 v L I LD6 TOPPARTS QED ERAL MOTOR JDIVISION INTERIOR mm E pkwc I Mo ORPOFtATlO 31 f 1 Wg K INT 48504 REAR Tatu MAT y I V owe w Tcns conronmon cnzvnoter Jena mx URDTGE 75 Zi e f r A