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ffi 04 m p 0 80000 SUB INDEX Page plod 140 W Heater Distributor and Defroster Passenger 141 Heater Combustion Blower UN Exploded 143 Heater Exhaust Pipe 144 Heater Distributor and Blower Heater Assem Ex 142 0 1 ii i Front Compartment Hole Covers and Plugs 146 Heater Control and Harness ii Windshield Details Washer Passenger 148 rw r r U I PARTS DATA Group Lid Assembly Engine Compartment 8 000 Emblem Assembly Body Front 8 055 Panel Front Fender 8 130 Switch Assembly and Parts Car Heater Ignition 8 840 ylll Motor Heater Blower and Ventilator 8 855 I 4M Fan Defroster Standard 8 900 8 991 L L