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PASSENGER REAR AXLE IDENTIFICATION Cont Plunt Plant Series Type identification Series Type Identification CHEVELLE Positraction w Metallic Brakes 3 70 ratio CS PASS Positraction 3 31 ratio DH CHEVELLE wIMetallic Brakes 3 73 ratio CT PASS Positraction 3 36 ratio DI curvrLLr Positraction witvtetaiiie Brakes 2 13 ratio cu PASS Positraction 3 55 ratio small rirto Bear 0 curvrttr Overdrive 3 70 ratio cv PASS Positraction 3 55 ratio large rioe tear 0 r H5v5LL5 331 ratio 3o6 w t ir Cond gw PASS Positraction 3 70 ratio DL ti v5ii5 3 o7 ratio 39o wIAjr orrd am pr jx PASS Positraction 3 73 ratio DM curvrur w Metallic Brakes 3 55 ratio KF PASS Positraction 4 10 ratio DN CHEVELLE Positraction w Metallic Brakes 13 55 ratio KG PASS Positraction 4 56 ratio DO u5v5 Lr Positraction 355 ratio KH PASS Positraction 4 88 ratio DP ci i5v5Lti 39o w p z 73 ratio Ki PASS 3 55 ratio DQ ci 5v tL5 355 ratio Ki PASS w Metallic Brakes 3 07 ratio DR u5vi LL5 wwtotaiiir Brakes 4 jto ratioi KL PASS Positraction 3 07 ratio DS curvrur w Metallic Brakes 4 56 ratio KN PASS W Ntetallto Brakes 3 31 ratio 0V gi 5v5i 5 w Mgtaiiic Brakes 4 g ratio 4 KP PASS Positraction wIMetaIlic Brakes 3 31 ratio DW curvrttr iaositraetioo 4 10 ratio KK PASS w Meta lic Brakes 3 55 ratio larqe rirto oear EB curvrLLr eositraetiori 4 56 ratio KM PASS Positraction w Metallio Brakes 3 55 ratio CHEVELLE Positraction 4 88 ratio K0 large rim 9eBl EC H5vy 3 3 ratio BA PASS w Metallic Brakes 3 73 ratio EF HEvy 336 ratio gc PASS Positraction w Metallic Brakes 3 73 ratio EG jHEvy pcsjgracrion 3 gg ratio n BE PASS w Metallic Brakes 4 10 ratio EH curvy Positraction 3 36 ratio BF PASS w Metal ie Brakes A 56 ratio El curvy Positraction 3 55 ratio small ririg gear BG ig l ta ro Brakes 4 88 ratio FJ curvy 3 55 BH ratio ik CHEVY w Metallic Brakes 3 08 ratio BJ PASS 3 73 ratio large ring gear EL curvy oositraetiori wIMetallic Brakes 3 08 ratio BK PASS 3 07 rairol EM curvy wuvtetaitio Brakes 3 36 ratio BL PASS Powerelrgie 327 3 07 ratio EN curvy Positraction wnvtetaitie Brakes 3 36 ratio Blvt PASS 3 55 ratio H0 ottassisl E0 curvy w Metallic Brakes 3 155 ratio small ririg gear BN PASS 3 Sotl Agile Trarts 2 73 ratio EP curvy Positraction wrtvtetaiiio Brakes 3 55 ratio BO PASS Positraotlorl 2 73 ratio E0 H vy Air 0nd w gp Hi p Er 331 ratio BQ PASS w Metallic Brakes 2 73 ratio ER curvy Positraction 3 07 ral io BR PASS Prgtraotgtgo wlllletallio Brakes 2 73 ratio ES curvy eositraetiori 3 31 ral io BS 3 ratio E0 curvy wtivtetaiiio Brakes 3 07 ratio BT PASS wloyertirive 3 70 ratio EX curvy eositraetiori wtwtetaiiie Brakes 3 07 ratio BU PASS Positraetrorl 3 70 ratio BY curvy wuvtetattio Brakes 3 31 ratio BV PASS 3 07 ratio large rroe Bear GA curvy Positraction w Metallic Brakes 3 31 ratio BW PASS wllllletallro Brakes 2 73 ratro GB CHEVY w 4 Spd Close Ratio 3 55 ratio Fl PASS Positraction w Metallic Brakes 2 73 ratio GC curvy wttvtetauie Brakes 3 55 ratio large ring gear ri PASS 3 07 ratio taxi G0 CHQ Y positracriorr wrmgraiiic Brakes 3 55 ratio PASS 3 31 I 8 lI 0 Taxi GE large ring gear FK PASS Positraction 3 07 t Hi 0l a GF CHE Y Positraction 3 55 ratio large ring gear FL T l 0 r M a l Brakes Bm aim CHEVY 3 73 ratio FM l 3 P N90 09 QW curvy wtmetauio Brakes 3 73 ratio ru PASS Posltraotlorl 3 Si ratio G curvy Positraction wttvtetaiiio Brakes 3 73 ratio ro PASS 2 73 ratio GK CHEVY Positraction 3 73 ratio FP PASS w Metallic Brakes 3 07 ratio GL CHEVYA w 3gy gp HL pen 107 am FQ PASS Positraction 2 73 ratio GM PASS w Metallic Brakes 3 31 ratio GN PASS Positraction wIMetallic Brakes 3 31 ratio GO PASS 3 55 ratio GP PASS 3 08 ratio small ring gear GO PASS Positraction 3 08 ratio GR PASS Positraction 3 36 ratio GU pA 108 ratio DA PASS Positraction 3 55 ratio small ring gear GX PASS 3 36 ratio DB PASS 3 55 ratio H D and C R 4 Spd DC PASS 3 31 ratio DD PASS Heavy Duty 3 31 ratio DE PASS Positraction 3 07 ratio DF CHEVELLE PASS Positraction 3 08 ratio DG Cl lE t ELLE 3 08 ratio CA CHEVELLE 3 36 ratio CB CHEVELLE 3 73 ratio CC NOTE The tour digit number following the type designation will CHEVELLE Positraction 3 07 ratio CD designate the calendar month and ciata produced CHE ELLE Positraction 3 08 ratio CE CHEVELLE Positraction 3 31 ratio CF NOTE Plant designation is to be stamped immediately following CHEVELLE Positraction 3 36 ratio CG the production date B Buftalt Piant G Gear and Axle Plant CHE ELLE Positraction 2 73 ratio CH and W Warren Plant CHE ELLE Positraction 3 73 ratio Cl i910 CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS GORPORATION P A 3OA 81