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I969 CHEVROLET PROTECT O PLATE Continued LOCATION E Month of Vehicle Build MONTR CODE MQNE QQDE August 1968 8 February 1969 2 September 1968 9 March 1969 3 October 1968 0 April 1969 ll November 1968 N May 1969 5 December 1968 D June 1969 6 January 1969 1 July 1969 7 LOCATION F Transmission Number Code number identifies the source model year month and day produced EXAMPLE P9l D I IPI 191 E1 1041 lt Speed Muncie Model Year Month May Day 3 Source Designcilions Q Speed Q Eeed Edwerglide S Saginaw R Saginaw C Cleveland M Mincie P Muncie T Toledo H Muncie H D E McKinnon Industries l McKinnon Industries Torque Drive Turb LHydra l latiiigl A Cleveland B Cteveland Y Toledo l97O CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATIONW P A 3OA 25