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ENGINE INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS PART NO 3930839 C0nt d 1966 MODELS Cont t CHEVELLE Item Qty Part No Description Remarks Require Items A I J K P Q X Y Z AA AB Purchase new or transfer AC AD AH AI from replaced engine 1965 MODELS PASSENGER Require Items A C I J K L M AH AI AJ AK plus the following AL 1 3904399 Exhaust Manifold LH Purphase new or transfer from re AM 1 3884504 Exhaust Manifold RH placed engine GENERAL INFORMATION 1 When installing clutch housing transmission pilot bore alignment and face runout should be checked as specified in the Shop Manual Also transfer clutch housing cover clutch fork boot and all attaching parts 2 Models with optional equipment require transfer or replacement of engine parts special to such options 3 Automatic transmission equipped models require the removal of the pilot bushing from the crankshaft 4 The transfer of rocker covers from replaced engine may be required on some models due to appearance and or function 5 On some models the transfer of thermostatic by pass peculiar parts may be required 6 If any part number listed above is not shown in the Master Parts Catalog check History Section of the catalog for replacing part number 7 The temperature sensing switch has been relocated from the inlet manifold to the L H cylinder head on 1967 and prior models transfer switch to cylinder head and reroute switch wiring harness On models where item AI transfer is required plug the cylinder head with Part No 444667 plug or suitable 1 2 14 plug 8 On 1967 passenger models if required to use item D the oil level tube and gauge contained in the unit must also be used On 1965 and 1966 models if required to use item AK the oil level tube gauge and oil pump Screen Assy contained in the unit must also be used 9 When using on 1967 and prior models the Oil Filter Adapter provided with this engine allows the use of the Replaceable Type Filter On current models purchase new Adapter Part No 3916328 or transfer from replaced engine I97O CHEVROLET MOTOR DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATIONr P A 3OA t 53