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GM AMA1 r0 PARTS BATALIDGUE A new system ot deterrnining the correct tront and rear springs has been used for 1969 Camaro passenger cars The assembly oleints use zi computer to determine the correct spring based on the RPO equipment on the dealer order This requrres a new rnethed of determining service springs The information required to determine the correct spring or springs is shown on the subsequent pages Determination of the norreot spring by dealer personnel will be as follows 1 if the identification tag is still on the spring and code letters can be determined reler to Table A and order the part number that corresponds to the code 2 If the identification tag is not available Sl will be necessary lo add the weight lor all the RPO equipment on the vehiele This is shown on Table B Only RP s with 5 lbs or more are given 3 After the extra weight of the vehicle is determined Table C shows the identification letters of the required spring These letters are used with Table A I0 determine the part number EXAMPLE A 12427 Camaro ls Equipped As Follows Weight To Add mwEr0nt Rear igztion Description 209 46 L34 V 8 Engine 396 350 HP 44 12 Nl 10 3 peed Automatic Transrnrssion 9 2 150 Power Brakes 30 O N lO Power Steering 6 3 U63 Radio Pushbutton 2953 4 TOTAL 63 NOTE Some Options Have Negative Value and Must Be Subtracted Instead ol Added 1 The Weights were obtained from Table B Table C lor this rnoclel shows the spring requirements Standard Springs Front 298 lbs requires spring l l Rear 63 lhs requires spring BK FM Spec Perf Eiusp Front 298 lbs requires spring HJ Rear 53 lbs requires spring BM 3 Table A is used to convert code letters to part numbers Front Rear Standard Springs HA 3955724 BK 3955740 P41 Spec Perl Srisp HJ 3955728 Btvi 3934894 GPtOlJP 7 iliill ll LLJSI l ir TlTlN I i