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ALPHABETICAL INDEX BRACE Radiator Core 4 4 4 4 4 1 270 BRACKET Emegency and Safety Equipment 4 2 575 BRACE Rear Fender 4 4 8 212 BRACKET End ate Support 44 4 44 4 17 202 BRAQE Rear Spring Front and Rear r r 4 r 7 112 BRACKET Engine and Bell Housing Attaches BRACE SHIELD Body Load Carrier r 17 805 to frame side rails 7 011 BRACE Spare Wheel r r rr rr r rr 7 629 BRACKET Engine Cool Fen Pump 1 050 J BRACE Starting Motor to Engine Attaching 2 042 BRACKET Engine Cover l5 549 BRACE Steenn Gear Hydraulic Pump BRACKET Engine Lifting 0 004 Mounting gower Brake Booster 6 608 BRACKET Engine Mounting 0 029 BRACE Transmission Mounting 4 081 BRACKET Engine 0iI Cooler 1 540 BRACE Wheel Carrier 7 782 BRACKET Exhaust System Catalytic 3 690 BMCKET Accelerator Pull Back 3 459 BRACKET Four Wheel Drive Transfer Case 4 500 BRACKET Accelerator Rod 3 454 BRACKET Front Fender Skirt 8 155 BRACKET Air Cleaner and Silencer 3 405 BRACKET Front Spring Bumper 7 421 BRACKET Air Cleaner 3 417 BRACKET Fuel Feed Pipe 3 162 BRACKET Air Conditioning Compressor BRACKET Fuel Line 3 890 Mounting 9 171 BRACKET Fuel Tank Evaporative Control 3 120 BRACKET Air Conditioning Compressor Pulley 9 181 BRACKET Fuel Tank Evaporative Control 3 130 BRACKET Air Conditioning Evaporator Air BRACKET Fuel Tank Filler 3 003 Distributor 9 264 BRACI ET FueI Tank 3 015 BRACKET Air Conditioning Evaporatory Blower 9 218 BRACKET Generator 2 277 BRACKET Air Conditioning Evaporator Core BRACKET Generator 2 319 Housing 9 211 BRACKET Headlamp Beam Adiustihg 2 737 BRACKET Air Conditioning Evaporator BRACKET Heater 8 852 Expansion Valve 9 214 BRACKET Ignition Coil Mounting 2 183 BRACKET Air Conditioning Evaporator 9 213 BRACKET Ignition Switch Waming 2 195 BRACKET Air Conditioning Refrigerant 9 190 BRACKET License Plate 7 800 BRACKET Air Conditioning Refrigerant 9 195 BRACKET Luggage Roof 17 070 BRACKET Air Conditioning ElectricaI 9 275 BRACKET Manifold Heat Control Valve 3 641 BRACKET Air Conditioning 9 262 BRACKET Mirror Rear View 15 089 BRACKET Air Flow Control with Tube 9 787 BRACKET Muffler Tailpipe 3 706 BRACKET Air Flow 9 788 BRACKET Muffler 3 704 BRACKET Air Injection Pump 3 655 BRACKET Oil Level 1 516 BRACKET ASM Bette Cable 2 343 BRACKET Parking Brake Cable 4 785 BRACKET ASM HandrControI Attaching and BRACKET Platform Cross 17 405 Mtg 3 483 BRACKET Platform Rear Rub with Pockets 17 445 BRACKET ASM Radiator and Grille Filler 1 287 BRACKET Power Brake Booster 4 805 BRACKET ASM Transmission Control Idler 4 040 BRACKET Power Brake Booster 4 840 BRACKET ASM Air Conditioning Compressor BRACKET Power Brake Booster 4 845 Mountin 9 171 BRACKET Power Window Power Door Locks 18 253 BRACKET Body Footman Assist 16 450 BRACKET Propeller Shaft 5 598 BRACKET ASM Brake Pedal 4 634 BRACKET Radiator Grille Horizontal Bar I 287 BRACKET ASM BrakeCylinder and Pedal Shaft 4 648 BRACKET Radiator Support l 274 BRACKET ASM Camper Tie Down 9 025 BRACKET Radio and Stereo Mounting 9 687 BRACKET ASM Carburetor 3 755 BRACKET Radio Antenna 9 647 ui BRACKET ASM Exhaust System Catalytic 3 690 BRACKET Rear Axle Bumper 5 394 BRACKET ASM Inspection 18 547 BRACKET Rear Brake Pressure Regulator 4 690 BRACKET ASM Jack 8 820 BRACKET Rear Lkense Plate Lamp 2 705 BRACKET ASM Radiator Grille Horizontal Bar 1 267 BRACKET Roof Parts Formerly in this Group BRACKET ASM Speed and Cruise Control are now in Group 18 585 l7 060 Power Regulator 3 885 BRACKET Roof with Upper Back and Partial BRACKET AS Steering Knuckle Upper and Pillar Cover 18 585 Lower Control Arm 6 177 BRACKET Seat Adjusting Fldg Bench 16 682 BRACKET ASM Transmission Throttle Valve BRACKET Seat Bottom or Back 18 715 Control T V 4 050 BRACKET Seat t6 514 BRACKET ASM Wheel Brake 4 665 BRACKET Shock Absorber Frame 7 395 BRACKET Auxiliary Spring 7 525 BRACKET Shock Absorber 7 380 BRACKET Back Up 2 698 BRACKET Spare Wheel 7 629 BRACKET Battery 2 333 BRACKET Spark Plug Wire 2 251 BRACKET Body Inside Trim Inside Trim 15 575 BRACKET Speaker 9 655 BRACKET Booy 7 330 BRACKET Speed and Cruise Control Power BRACKET Brake Flange Rear Axle See Group Regulator 3 885 5 002 for Dust Shield 5 001 BRACK T Speed andCruise Control 3 880 BRACKET Brake Hose or ipe 4 581 BRACKET Stabilizer Shaft 7 242 BRACKET Bumper Sheet Metal 7 833 BRACKET Stake Rack 17 490 BRACKET Bumper 7 859 BRACKET Starting Motor to Engine Attaching 2 042 BRACKET Camper Tie Down 9 025 BRACKET Starting Ignition Ammeter to BRACKET Carburetor Air 3 730 Starting Switch 2 525 BRACKET Carburetor Throttle Return Check 3 444 BRACKET teering Column 6 518 BRACKET Chassis Wiring Harness 2 559 BRACKET Steering Column 6 760 BRACKET Clutch Control Intermediate 0 852 BRACKET Steering Gear Hydraulic Pump BRACKET Clutch Pedal Pull Back Spring 0 846 Mounting Power Brake Booster 6 606 BRACKET Coolant 1 240 BRACKET Steering Gear Hydraulic Pump BRACKET Crankcase 1 745 Power Brake ooster 8 635 BRACKET Crossmember 7 039 BRACKET Steering Knuckle Upper and Lower BRACKET Dash and Toe 18 550 Control Arm 5 177 BRACKET Defroster 9 779 BRACKET Steering System Anti Shimmy 6 865 BRACKET Direction Signal Lamp See Group BRACKET Tail Lamp 2 662 2 575 for additional hazard lamp switches 2 895 BRACKET Trans Control Idler 4 040 BRACKET Distributor 2 393 BRACKET Transmission Control Safety 4 054 BRACKET Dome Lamp 16 494 BRACKET Transmission Mounting 4 081 BRACKET Door and Seat Arm 16 155 BRACKET Transmission Oil Cooler 4 128 BRACKET Door Check Retaining 16 437 BRACKET Transmission Oil Filler 4 133 Q BRACKET Door Hanging 16 320 BRACKET Transmission Parking Brake 4 290 BRACKET E E S 3 145 BRACKET TransmissionControl Safety 4 054 WAREHOUSING AND DISTRIBUTION DIVISION DF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION LT TRUCK 51 INDEX 68