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ALPHABETICAL INDEX STUD Transmission Rear Main Shaft 4 4 44 4 319 SUPPORT Spare Wheel 44 4 4 4 4 4 4 7 629 STUD UNIT Steering Knuckle Upper Control SUPPORT Spark Plug Wire r rr rr r 2 25l Arm r r 4 r rr r r 6 164 SUPPORT Stabilixer Shaft r rr r r rr rr r 7 242 STUD Valve Push Rod Cover 0 446 SUPPORT Steering Column 6 518 STUD Valve 0 429 SUPPORT Steering Gear Hydraulic Pump STUD 3 613 manifold to exh 3 275 Mounting Power Brake Booster 6 606 SUNSHADE ASM Sunshade 16 070 SUPPORT Steering Idler 6 896 SUPPORT 17 110A SUPPORT Stereo 9 670 SUPPORT Accelerator Rod 3 454 SUPPORT Transmission Mounting 4 081 SUPPORT Air Cleaner and Silencer 3 405 SUPPORT UNIT Starting Motor Brush 2 052 SUPPORT Air Cleaner 3 417 SUPPORT UNIT Transmission Low Sun Gear SUPPORT Air Conditioning Compressor and Clutch 4 162 Mounting 9 171 SWITCH Air Cleaner Intake Valve 3 415 SUPPORT Air Conditioning Evaporator Air 9 260 SWITCH Air Conditioning Electric Temperature SUPPORT Air Conditioning Evaporator Blower 9 216 and Motor Control 9 275 SUPPORT Air Conditioning Evaporator Core SWITCH Air Injection Reactor 3 670 Housing 9 211 SWITCH ASM Cargo 9 988 SUPPORT Air Conditioning 9 262 SWITCH ASM Dome Lamp 16 494 SUPPORT ASM Body Mounting 9 009 SWITCH ASM Fuel Shut Off Rod and Tube SUPPORT ASM Oil Pump Suction 1 656 Asm 3 164 SUPPORT ASM Wheel Carrier 7 751 SWITCH ASM Starting Motor on motor 2 100 SUPPORT ASM Wheel Carrier 7 782 SWITCH ASM Stoplamp 2 447 SUPPORT ASM Air Conditioning Compressor SWITCH ASM Transmission Control Sefety 4 054 Mounting 9 171 SWITCH ASM Transmission Smog Control 4 075 SUPPORT ASM Batterg 2 333 SWITCH ASM Transmission Throttle Control SUPPORT ASM Brake ylinder and Pedal Shaft 4 648 Electric 4 057 SUPPORT ASM Door and Seat Arm 16 155 SWITCH ASM Air Conditioning Electric SUPPORT ASM End Gate Support l7 202 Temperature and Motor Control 9 275 SUPPORT ASM Fuel Tank Evaporative Control 3 130 SWITCH ASM Air Injection Reactor 3 670 SUPPORT ASM Hood Lock 8 080 SWITCH ASM AirConditioning Vacuum SUPPORT ASM Hood 8 015 Control 9 280 SUPPORT ASM Oil Level 1 516 SWITCH ASM Automatic Choke Control 3 750 SUPPORT ASM Power Brake Booster 4 805 SWITCH ASM Back Up 2 698 SUPPORT ASM Radiator Core 1 270 SWITCH ASM Brake Pressure Indicator 4 874 SUPPORT ASM Steering Gear Hydraulic Pump SWITCH ASM Carburetor Throttle Return Mounting Power Brake Booster 6 606 Check 3 440 SUPPORT ASM Tilt Tel Steering Column 6 514 SWITCH ASM Coolant Temperature Engine SUPPORT ASM Tool Stowage Compartment 17 510 Unit 1 150 SUPPORT ASM Transmission Low Sun Gear SWITCH ASM Direction Signal Lamp See and Clutch 4 162 Group 2 575 for additional hazard lamp SUPPORT ASM Fuel Tank 3 015 switches 2 895 SUPPORT ASM Headlamp 2 726 SWITCH ASM Distributor Spark Advance SUPPORT Ash 16 120 Trans Electric Control Also See Group Q SUPPORT Battery 2 333 4 075 2 408 SUPPORT Body Inside Trim Inside Trim 16 575 SWITCH ASM Four Wheel Drive Transfer Case SUPPORT Body Inside Top Front and Rear Shift Control 4 570 Trim Parts Formerly in this Group are now SWITCH ASM Fuel Caro Early Evapor 3 140 in Group I6 575 Bi 575A 17 112 SWITCH ASM Heater 8 852 SUPPORT Clutch Pedal Pu l Back Spring 0 846 SWITCH ASM Horn 2 810 SUPPORT Crankcase I 745 SWITCH ASM gnition 2 188 SUPPORT Dash and Toe l6 550 SWITCH ASM il Pressure 1 800 SUPPORT Direction Signal Lamp See Group SWITCH ASM Power Window Power Door 2 575 for additional hazard lamp switches 2 895 Locks 16 263 SUPPORT Engine and Bell Housing Attaches SWITCH ASM Speed end Cruise Control 3 883 to frame side rails 7 011 SWITCH ASM Speed and Cruise Control 3 887 SUPPORT Engine Mounting 0 029 SWITCH ASM TransmissionContro Safety 4 054 SUPPORT Engine Oil Cooler 1 540 SWITCH ASM Wiper and Washer Electrical SUPPORT Exhaust Pipe Support 3 616 Parts 16 067 SUPPORT Exhaust System Catalytic 3 690 SWITCH Aux Battery 2 510 SUPPORT Four Wheel Drive Transfer Ceee 4 500 SWITCH Back Up 2 698 SUPPORT Fuel Feed Pipe 3 162 SWITCH Carburetor Fast Idler Cam 3 767 SUPPORT Fuel Line 3 890 SWITCH Direction Signal Lamp 2 897 SUPPORT Fuel Tank Filler 3 003 SWITCH Headlamp Dimmer 2 459 SUPPORT Heater Motor 8 856 SWITCH Heater 8 852 SUPPORT Hood Lock 8 080 SWITCH Ignition Switch Warning 2 195 SUPPORT License Plate 7 800 SWITCH KIT Air Conditioning Compressor SUPPORT Luggage Roof 17 070 Internal 9 172 SUPPORT Main Valve Turbo Hydramatic T H SWITCH Lighting 2 485 350 4 265 SWITCH Park Brake Signal 4 589 SUPPORT Mirror Rear View 16 069 SWITCH TOPPER Sunshade 16 070 SUPPORT Muffler Tailpipe 3 706 SWITCH Windshield Wiper Motor 16 054 SUPPORT Muffler 3 704 SWIVEL Clutch Fork Release 0 787 SUPPORT Oil Level 1 516 SWIVEL Four Wheel Drive Transfer Case Shift SUPPORT Parking Breke Cable 4 785 Control 4 570 SUPPORT Pick up Box 17 090 SWIVEL Gearshift Rod lo Lever 4 037 SUPPORT Propeller Shaft Bearing 5 438 SWIVEL Transmission Control Safety 4 054 SUPPORT Propeller Shaft 5 432 SVNCHRONIZER ASM Transmission 4 380 SUPPORT Propeller Shaft 5 598 SYNCHRONIZER Transmission 4 380 SUPPORT Radiator Filler 1 210 SUPPORT Rear Spring Front and Rear 7 112 SUPPORT Seat Adjusting Fldg Bench 16 682 SUPPORT Seat Bottom or Bac 16 715 SUPPORT Seat Separator 16 650 SUPPORT Seat 16 674 WAREHOUSING AND DISTRIBUTION DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORAT ON LT TRUCK 51 1 INDEX 91