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TRUCK CAB AND BODY PARTS GMC GROUP 16 716 Con t 73 78 CK l 2 Sub 4 4 33 598 2 1 75 STRIKER center seat or sea back cushion latch 4 4 23 3650 73 75 CK 1 2 Sub w ctr r seat 627I510A R 32 WASHER seat back cushion link 23 3664 16 717 TRIM ASM Seat Cushion GENERAL NOTE RMC Trim rolling model change trim For late model production 1978 trucks which are built during this rolling model change period there will be a sticker in the glove compartment on ck Y models and on the left hand side ol the hood inner panel of G models with the letters RMl end e label on the seat stating 1879 MODEL TRlM These 1978 model trucks will have 1979 model trim installed Part numbers with 1978 trim in this group are identified as 1st design while 1979 trim being used an 1978 models will be identified as 2nd design See special sub group at the end of this group for 2nd des 78 trim 16 717 TRIM ASM Front Seat Bench Rear Cab 4 Dr NOTE 1 Also fits rear seat NOTE 2 lst design has stripe border on sides of plaid pattern 2nd design trim stripe border has been removed For 1975 76 for 1976 77 color pattern have been changed NOTE 3 lst design has oblong buckle in seat pleats 2nd design has square buckle NOTE 3A 2nd des 1976 lst des 1977 st adj fastened to side rail of st cush 2nd des 1977 78 st adj lastsned to lront rail for lst and Ind design 1978 see general note at the from of this group 75 CK 1 2 3 Cab 2 Dr lst design 349793 I 85 25 TRIM ASM blue comb 26l buffalo hide all vinyl 26W Note 3 XDD1 23 3658 75 lZK 1 2 3 Cab 2 Dr 355168 I 85 25 TRIM ASM gray comb 16I buffalo hide all vinyl 18W Note 3 XYYI 23 3558 75 78 CK l 2 3 383393 I 122 00 TRIM ASM saddle comb 63D ribbed velour custom cloth front or rear LSS I 23 3558 75 CK I 2 3 2nd design 75 CK I 2 3 2nd design 75 CK I 2 3 2nd design 76 CK 1 2 3 Ist design 363288 1 77 50 TRIM ASM saddle black comb 63V vinyl plaid pattern front or V rear Note 2 VSS1 23 3658 75 78 CK 1 Z 3 Cab Sub 2nd design 363345 1 85 25 TRIM ASM blue comb 26W buffalo hide front or rear 76 only Note 3 XDDI 23 3658 75 76 CK 1 2 3 2nd design 363348 1 85 25 TRIM ASM saddle comb 63W buffalo hide front or rear 76 only Note 3 XSSI 23 3858 75 75 CK I 2 3 Znd design 383349 1 85 25 TRIM ASM oxblood red comb 73W buffalo hide front or rear 76 e only Note 3 XRR1 23 3858 76 CK l 2 3 2nd design 37490I I 77 50 TRIM ASM front ZBV b ue VDD1 23 3858 76 CK I 2 3 Cab 4 Dr 2nd design 374901 I 77 50 TRIM ASM rear only 26V blue DDI 23 3658 77 CK 1 2 3 1st des 374901 1 77 50 TRIM ASM front Note 3A 28V blue VDD I 23 3658 77 CK I 2 3 Cab I Dr 1st des 374901 1 77 50 TRIM ASM rear blue light blue 26V l976 25V 1977 glen plaid vinvll VDD1 Note 3A 23 3658 76 CK I 2 3 2nd design 374903 1 77 50 TRIM ASM front 73V VRR1 red 23 3658 78 CK 1 2 3 Cab 4 Dr 2nd design 374903 1 77 50 TRIM ASM rear only 73V VRR1l red 23 3658 77 CK I 2 3 1st des 374903 1 77 50 TRIM ASM front 73V VRR1 red 23 3558 77 CK 1 2 3 Cab 4 Dr lst des 374903 I 77 50 TRIM ASM rear med red orange 73V 1976 71V 1977 glen plaid vinyl VRR I Note 3A 23 3658 76 CK 1 2 3 2nd design 374904 l 77 50 TRIM ASM front GOV buckskin VUU I 23 3658 76 CK I 2 3 Cab I Dr 2nd design 374904 1 77 50 TRIM ASM rear only 64V VUUI buckskin 23 3658 WAREHOUSING AND DISTRIBUTIONDIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORAl l0M Ll TFlUCl 5I 1 REV 2 83 iesv 16 716 l6 717