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Parts and Illustration Catalog P&A 52A January 1984 |

G RO U P 9 000 w BODY MOUNTING AIR V ALPHABETICAL INDEX A BRACKET KIT Radio Antenna Fixed 9 647 BRACKET Radio Antenna Fix d 9 647 BRACKET Radio Auxiliary Speakers 4 4 4 9 666 ABSORBER Camper Tie Oorwn r 9 025 BRACKET Radio Mounting 4 9 667 ACCUMULATOR A C Relrigrerant 9 195 BRACKET Radio Speaker 9 655 ACCUMULATOR DEHVDRA OR ASM A C BRACKET Speed Indicator 9 762 Reirigerant 9 l95 BUSHING AC Compressor Internal Parts 9 l72 g ACTUATOR Air Conditioning Vacuum Control 9 180 BUSHING Clock 9 772 ACTUATOR Air Inlet and Oirtlet 9 789 BUZZER Instrument Cluster Warning 9 785 ACTUATOR Windshield Delroster 9 779 ADAPTER Air Conditioning Evaporator Alr Distributor 9 264 ADAPTER Air Conditioning Outlet 9 262 C ADAPTER Radio Antenna Ixed 9 647 V ALARM Instrument Cluster Warning 9 765 ALARM Speed Indicator 9 782 CABLE BODY ASM Radio Antenna Fixed 9 647 ANTENNA Radio With Motor 9 645 CABLE Air Flow Control 9 787 ANTENNA Radio Anten na Fixed2 9 647 CABLE Radio Antenna Fixed 9 647 ARMATURE KIT Redio Antenna Fixed 9 547 CAM A C Control 9 278 CAP Alr Conditioning Compressor Oil Test 9 l77 CAP Air Conditioning Evaporator By Pass 9 198 CAPACITOR Heater 9 854 b B CAPACITOR Radio Static Suppression 9 883 I CAP Radlo Antenna FIxed 9 647 E CASE Air Cond itionlng Evaporator Core BACKPLATE Instniment Cluster 9 744 Housing 9 21 1 BAFFLE Air Distributor 9 786 CASE Air Distributor 9 786 BALL A C Comgressor Internal Parts 9 171 CASE Instrument Cluster 9 743 BEARING A C ompressor lntemal Parts 9 172 CLAMP A C Evaporator Expansion Valve 9 214 BEARING AC Compressor Pulley 9 181 CLAMP A C Relrlgerant 9 198 BEZEL AC Control 9 279 CLAMP Air Conditioning Evaporator Core BEZEL Air Conditioning Electric Temperature Housing 9 2lI and Motor Control 9 275 CLAMP Air Conditioning Ereon Suction 9199 BEZEL Air Conditioning Evaporator Air CLAMP Air Conditionin g Hose 9 242 Distributor 9 264 CLIP Air Conditioning acuum Control 9 28l BEZEL Air Duct 9 7 82 CLIP Air Conditioning Evaporator Core Housing 9 21 l BEZEL Instrument Cluster 9 743 CLIP Air Conditioning Retrigerant 9 lBO BEZEL Radio Antanna Fixed 9 647 CLIP Air Conditioning Hose 9 241 BEZEL Roar Window Defcgger 9 778 CLIP Air Distributor 9 786 BOLT 8 CLIP KIT Radio Antenna Fixcd 9 647 CLIP Air Flow Control 9 787 BOLT AC Compressor Mounting 9 I 73 CLIP Instrument Cluster 9 744 BOLT Body to Frame 9 008 CLIP Radlo Antenna Fixed 9 847 BOLT Radio Antenna Fix d 9 647 CLIP Radio Mounting 9 667 BOLT Speedometer and Odomet er Miles 9 761 CLIP Radio Speaker 9 655 BOWDEN WIRE REPAIR Air Flow ontrol 9 787 CLIP Radio Statlc Suppression 9 863 BRACE A C Compressor Mounting 9 l71 CLIP Speedometer and Odometer Miles 9 751 BRACKET AC Compressor Mounting 9 l71 CLOCK Clock 9 772 BRACKET AC Compressor Pulley 9 18I CLUSTER Instrument Panel Gage 9 735 BRACKET A C Evaporator Expansion Valve 9 214 CLUTCH DRIVE AC Compressor Clutch BRACKET A C Refrigerant 8 198 Actuating 9 lB6 BRACKET Air Conditioning Evaporator Air CLUTCH DRIVE A C Compressor Clutch Distributor 9 264 Actuating 9 l88 BRACKET Alr Conditioning Evaporator Core COIL A C Compressor Clutch Actualing 9 188 Housing 9 21 1 COIL Radio Antenna Fixed 9 847 BRACKET Air Conditioning Outlet 9 262 COMPRESSOR Air Conditioning 9 170 BRACKET Air Conditioning Hose 9 242 CON DENSER Air Conditioning eirigerant 9 190 BRACKET Air Conditioning Electrical 9 176 CONDUIT Radio Wirin 9 655 BRACKET Air Conditioning Compressor Suction CONNECTOR Air Condqtioning Vacuum Control 9 281 and Discharge 9 225 CONNECTOR Air Conditioning Electrical 9 276 BRACKET Air Conditioning Refrigerant 9 190 CONNECTOR Air Distributor 9 786 BRACKET Air Elm Control 9 787 CONNECTOR Radio Wiring 9 556 L BRACKET Body Mounting 9 009 CONTROL AC Control 9 279 BRACKET Camper I1e Dwrn 1 9 025 CONTROL Air Conditioning Instrument Panel 9 273 BRACKET Instrument Cluster 9 743 CONTROL Air Flow Control 9 787 L WAREHOUSING DISTRIBUTION DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATlON LT TRUCK 52A T 9 1A IN DEX