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Parts and Illustration Catalog P&A 52A January 1984 |

ALPHABETICAL INDEX N RETAINER Radio 4 4 4 4 4 9 650 RETAINER Radio Mounting 4 4 4 9 667 RETAINER Roof Vent 9 685 NUT A C Compressor Pulley 9 I81 RING A C Compressor Pulley 9 I8I y NUT A C Control 9 278 RING A C Compressor Internal Parts 9 I72 NUT A C Evaporator Blower 9 215 RING A C Compressor Shaft 9 I 75 NUT AC Evaporator Blower 9 215 RING Radio Antenna Fixed 9 647 NUT Cargo Lighting 9 988 ROD Air Flow Control 9 787 NUT KIT Air Conditioning 9 I 70 ROD PACKAGE Radio Antenna Fixed 9 647 NUT Radio Antenna Fixed 9 647 ROD PKG Radio Antenna Fixed 9 547 NUT Radio Mounting 9 667 ROTOR A C Compressor Internal Parts 9 172 O S 0 R NG AC Compressor llntemal Parts 9 I72 SCREEN A C Compressor lntemal Partsl 9 172 0 RlNG KIT Air Conditioning 9 I 70 SCREEN Air Conditioning Outlet 9 262 OIL A C Maintenance 9 282 SCREEN Air Conditioning Evaporator Core ORIFICE Air Conditioning Evaporator 9 213 Housing 9 2I I 0 RING A C ComJ1ressor Pressure Relief 9 I78 SCREEN Rool Vent 9 685 OUTLET Air Con itionlng Outlet 9 262 SCREEN Windshield Defroster 9 779 OUTLET Air Conditioning Evaporator Air SCREW A C Compressor Drive 9 I 80 Distributor 9 264 SCREW Air Conditioning Refrigerant 9 190 OUTLET Air Distributor 9 785 SCREW Air Conditioning Compressor Oil Test 9 177 OUTLET Air Inlet and Outlet 9 789 SCREW Air Conditioning Outlet 9 262 OUTLET Windshield Detroster 9 779 SCREW Air Distributor 9 786 SCREW Cargo Lighting 9 988 SCREW Instrument Cluster 9 743 SCREW Roof Vent 9 685 P SCREW Speedometer and 0dorneter Miles 9 761 SEAL A C Compressor gnternal Parts 9 I 72 V SEAL A C Compressor hah 9 I 75 PAD Air Conditioning Evaporator Core Housing 9 21 I SEAL A C Eva porator Expansion Valve 9 214 PAD Cargo Lighting 9 988 SEAL A C Reirigerant 9 196 PIN A C Compressor Pressure Relief 9 178 SEAL Air Conditioning Outlet 9 262 PIN Air Distributor 9 786 SEAL Air Conditioning Compressor Suction and PISTON AC Compressor Internal Parts 9 I72 Discharge 9 226 PLATE AC Compressor Internal Parts 9 l72 SEAL Air Conditioning Evaporator Core PLATE AC Compressor Mounting 9 171 Housing 9 2I I PLATE Air Conditioning Compressor and SEAL Air Conditioning Evaporator Air 9 260 Condenser 9 225 SEAL Air Conditioning Relrigerant 9 I90 PLATE Air Conditioning Evaporator Core SEAL Air Duct V 9 782 Housing 9 21 1 SEAL KIT A C Compressor Shaft 9 175 A PLATE Air istributor 9 785 SEAL KIT Air Conditioning 9 170 PLATE Body to Frame Bolt 9 0I I SEAL Radio Antenna Fixed 9 647 PLATE Instrument Cluster 9 743 SEAL Radio Speaker 9 655 PLATE Radio 9 650 SEAL Windshield Delroster 9 779 PLATE Radio Auxiliary Speakers 9 665 SEAT A C Compressor gnternal Parts 9 l72 PLIERS Air Flow Control 9 787 SEAT Air Conditioning vaporator Core PRINTED CIRCUIT Instrument Cluster 9 744 Housing 9 2I I PULLEV A C Compressor Drive 9 180 SEAT Air Distributor 9 786 PUMP KIT A C Compressor Internal Parts 9 172 SENSOR Speedometer and Odometer MiIes 9 761 SHAFT Air Conditioning Outlet 9 262 SHAFT Air Conditioning 9 170 SHAFT Air Distributor 9 786 R SHA1 Windshield Delroster 9 779 SHELL Air Conditioning 9 170 SHIELD Air Conditioning Evaporator 9 220 RACE A C Compressor Internal Parts 9 172 SHIELD Instru ment Cluster 9 7 48 RECEIVER A C Relrigerant 9 l95 SHIELD Instrument Cluster 9 749 RECEIVER Radio 9 550 SHIM Body Mounting AIso See Chart at the End REINFORCEMENT Camper I ie Down 9 025 of the 9 000 Group 9 023 REINFDRCEMENT Radio Auxiliary Speakers 9 655 SHROUD Alr Conditioning Evaporator Core RELAY A C Electrical 9 277 Housing 9 21 1 RELAY Radio Antenna Fixedl r 9 647 SLEEVE Instrument Cluster r 9 748 RELAY Rear Window eiogger 9 778 SLIDE Air Conditioning Instrument Panel 9 273 REPAIR KIT Air Conditioning Refrigerant 9 202 SOCKET Instrument Cluster Warning 9 765 RESISTOR Air Conditioning Electric SOCKET Instrument Cluster 9 744 Temperature and Motor Control 9 275 SPACER AC Compressor Pulley 9 18I RETAINER A C Compressor Shalt 9 175 SPACER AC Compressor Mounting 9 I7I RETAINER AC Compressor Mounting 9 i73 SPACER Air Distributor 9 786 RETAINER A C Compressor lntemal Parts 9 I72 SPACER Body to Frame Bolt 9 0 Ll RETAINER A C Evaporator 9 210 SPACER Body Mounting AIso See Chart at the RETAINER Air Conditioning Evaporator Air End of the 9 000 Group 9 023 Distributor 9 264 SPACER Camper Tie own 9 025 RETAINER Air Conditioning Refrigerant 9 190 SPACER Radio Control 9 549 RETAINER Air Conditioning Hose 9 242 SPACER Rool Vent 9 685 RETAINER Body to Frame olt 9 0II SPACER Speedometer and Odometer MiIes 9 761 RETAINER Cigarette Lzghtar 9 709 SPACER Speed Indicator 9 762 D RETAINER Instrument luster Lens 9 747 SPEAKER Radio 9 650 RETAINER Instrument Cluster Warning 9 765 SPEAKER Radio Auxiliary Speakers 9 665 RETAINER Instrument Cluster 9 743 SPLITTER BOX Radio Antenna Fixed 9 647 T WAREHOUSING DISTRIBUTION DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION LT TRUCK 52A MA IN D EX