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<- Transmission - Brakes Parts and Illustration Catalog P&A 52R September 1990
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1987 SPEEDO GEAR USAGE CHART R1 2 3 4 SPEED Conti nued D A R G D I E A V A P TIRE SIZE AXLE TRANS E R LT2l5 SSRISOR LT235 BSRIG LTZ35 BERISOR PlB5 75R15 P205 75R15 P205 ISRXSOR P225 75R15 P235 75Rl5OR 7 50 16LT 7 50 ISLTOOR E T J 745OR l6LT T 50R 16LT00R 4 10 LT2l5 BGRIS LT215 BGRISOR LT235 B5R16 LT235 85R160R 7 50 16LT 7 50 16LTOOR V J I I 5DR l6LT 7 5DR 16LTOOR r 1990 GEIVERAL MOTORS SERVICE PARTS 0PERATIONS LTTBUCK 52R tj REV 9 90 44152 4 450