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1985 1986 CK LIGHT TRUCK 1987 1991 RV LIGHT TRUCK vf V PARTS AND ILLUSTRATION CATALOG A EFFECTIVE SEPTEMBER 1990 All illustrations and sgeclflcatlons contained in tnls literature are on the latest product infomation available a the tire of publlcatlon approval General Motors corporation reserves the right to make changes at any tlee wlthout notice ln colors materials equlpeent specifications and aodels and also to d scentlnue models IMPORTANT Light Truck vehicles for 1995 9l contain eany parts dleensloned ln the metrlc system These parte are very close ln dimension to fanlllar custoeary neasureeents in the lnch system lt ls lagortant that during any vehicle maintenance procedure reglaceaent fasteners have the same measurements as t one reeoved wnether metric or oustoaary lnlsaatc ed or incorrect fasteners can result ln venlcle daaage or nalfunctlcn or possibly personal lnjury Fastener sizes denoted on lllustratlons nay not reflect aetrlc dlnenslons However slnce the sane vehlcle may be built with metric or custoeary fasteners care should be exercised ln selecting repleceeen part equivalent to the original asteners ln dlrrenslons strength and Etch of thread Both use rlc and oustovnry fasteners requl for replecenent are llsted ln the rvlce rts Operations Standard Parts Oats og 99 A speclal Servlce Parts Operations Dlvlslon label saying flsetrlc Fasteners Requlr d ln red letters will be used to identify service parts which require eetrlc fasteners but replace parts nnlch orlglnally used lnch fasteners ls label will enable dealers and over the oounter customers to qulckly recognlze parts snlch have changed to aetrlc fasteners 1990 GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION ALL RIGHTS RESERVED NO PART OF THIS PUBLICATION MAY BE REPRODUOED STORED IN ANY RETRIEVAL SYSTEM OR TRANSMITTED IN ANY FORM OR BY ANY MEANS INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO ELECTRONIC MECHANICAL PHOTOCOPYING RECORDING OR OTHERWISE WITHOUT THE PRIOR WRITTEN PERMISSION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORP THIS INCLUDES ALL TEXT ILLUSTRATIONS TABLES AND CHARTS REQUESTS FOR PERMISSION SHOULD BE SENT TO GENERAL MOTORS SERVICE PARTS OPERATIONS 6060 West Bristol Ruacl Flint MI 48554 Engineering Department 3640 GENERAL MOTORS SERVICE PARTS OPERATIONS TRUCK PARTS PUBLICATIONS DEPARTMENT WATERFORD MI 48329 LIGHT TRUCK 52R 1990 GENERALMOTORS SERVICE PARTS 0PERATIONS LTTRUCK SIR REV 90 1 er e gq g pn z I