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Parts and Illustration Catalog P&A 52A January 1984 |

ALPHABETICAL INDEX LATCH Hood Latch 44 4 4 4 8 080 SCREW Hood Ningo 4 8 0l5 LATCH Hood Latch W e 8 083 SCREW Hood Ningo 8 0I6 LENS Heator Control 8 852 SCREW Hood Latch 8 080 LEVER Heater Control 8 852 SEAL Auxiliary Heator 8 845 a LINKAGE Hood Hinge V 8 013 SEAL Front Fender 8 154 SEAL Heater Core 8 854 SEAL Hood Panel 8 0I0 SEAL Hood Panol Ornamentation 8 055 M SHAFT Heater Control 8 852 SHIELD Front Fender 8 153 V SHIELD Hood Latch Release 8 075 MATERIAL Heater 8 846 SHIM Hood Hinge 8 016 MOLDING Front Fondor and Body SHROUD Heater Core 8 854 Ornamentation 8 I 32 SKIRT Front Fender 8 I 53 MOLDING Hood Panel Ornamentation 8 055 SLEEVE Hoator 8 846 MOLDING KIT Hood Panel Ornamematlon 8 055 SPRING auto Jack 8 820 MOLDING PKG Front Fender and Body SPRING Heater Control 8 852 Ornamentation 8 132 SPRING Hood Hinge e 8 0I3 MOTOR Heater Blower Motor 8 855 SPRING Hood Latch 8 085 MOTOR Heater Control 8 852 SPRING Hood Latch 8 083 SPRING Hood Panol Ornamantation 8 055 STRAP Heater 8 846 V STRAP Heator Core 8 854 N STRIKER Hood Latch 8 080 STRIPE Front Fender and Body Ornamentation 8 132 STRIPE Hood Panol Ornamentatlon 8 055 NIPPLE Hoater 8 866 STRIPE Rear Fendor 8 I76 NUT Front Fender Molding 8 138 SUPPORT Hoater 8 848 NUT Hoater 8 840 SUPPORT Hoater and Defroator Motor 8 856 NUT Heator and Delrotter 8 857 SUPPORT Hood Hinge 8 015 NUT Hood Latch 8 085 SUPPORT Hood Latch a 8 080 NUT Hood Panel Closing 8 024 SUPPORT Running Board 8 218 SWITCH Heater Control 8 852 0 T ORNAMENT Hood Panol Ornatnentatlon 8 055 V TANK Heater Vacuum Actuating 8 850 TEE Heater 8 888 TERMINAL Heater Blower Motor 8 855 P TRANSFER Front Fondar and Body Omamentation 8 132 TUBE Heater Motor Cool 8 859 PANEL Front Fender 8 153 V PIN Hood Hinge N 8 018 PIPE Heater 8 846 PLATE Compare Mounting 8 873 V PLATE Front Fender Name 8 147 PLATE Heater Control 8 852 PLATE Heater Motor Cool L 8 859 VALVE Heater 8 886 PLATE Hood Hinge 8 0I5 VALVE Noator Core 8 854 PIATE Hood Latch 8 080 VALVE Heater Vacuum Actuating 8 850 PLATE Running Board 8 228 VALVE Temperature Control 8 858 PLUG Front Fender 8 153 W R WASHER Heater and Delroeter 8 857 REINFORCEMENT Hood Latch 8 080 WRENCH Wheel and Jack Wrench 8 82I REINFORCEMENT Hood Panel 8 010 RESISTOR Heater Blower Motor 8 855 RETAINER auto Jack 8 820 RETAINER Front Fender Molding 8 133 RETAINER Heater 8 848 RETAINER Hood Latch 8 085 V RETAINER Hood Latch 8 080 RETAINER Hood Latch Release Cable 8 077 RETAINER Hood Panel 8 021 RETAINER Hood Panel Omamentation 8 055 RETAINER Rocker Panel Molding 8 309 ROD Hood Hinge 8 015 S h SCREW Front Fonder Skirt 8 155 Q SCREW Hoater and Defroator 8 857 SCREW Heator Blower Motor 8 855 2 WAREHOUSING DISTRIBUTION DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION LT TRUCK 52A IN DEX 8 2