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TP41 1974 TRIM CHART INTERIOR TRIM COLOR AND CODE INTERIOR TYPE Avocado Charcoal Slate Green Pearl Saddle 616 672 675 S7 674 C K MODELS I 14l may Slnndard custnm Intannr Vinyl Bucket vom vtsez vruz vssz YJ5 Custom Bucket Seats Custom Vinyl Bucket XDD2 XOO2 W XPD2 XSSZ Cheyenne Siena ZM Il 5 Custom Vinyl ucket XD Z w XG Z XP W l v r Sim IW JV6 CIM I 1Z l 11 H1 C K MODELS I O3 63I REGULAR CAB MODELS ONLY Standard Custom Interior All J3 Vinyl Bench Seat VGC VSS Anon J5 custom Inyl Bucket eecs VJ4 Cloth Bench Seat CAA1 M S e m M MIIIIIXM tvJsl Custom vann aenen Seat xnm xout XPU1 xssi V I I iI Vhvl B r Sw MMI HIIEBH IETIHEIIEEH Cheyenne Sierra ZB4 lYJ6 Custom Cloth Bench Seat LAA1 LDD LGCI1 LPUI LSS1 tVJ5 Custom Vinyl Bench Seat XDDI XGG1 XPOI XSS A5t lVJ5l Custom Vinyl Bucket Seats XDDZ XGG2 XPDZ XSSZ Cheyenne Super Sierra Grande YES YJ6 Custom Cloth Bench Seat LDD1 LDCII LFO LSS1 lv lsl Custom Vinyl Bench Seat XDDI Xnm xalan xrut xssi A50IYJ5 Custom Vin I Bucket Seets XDD2 XGGZ XPU1 XSSZ CREW CAB MODELS ONLY Standard Custom Interior lV I3 Vityl Bench Seat VDD1 VGG VPCI1 VSSI Ch S S 6 d VEB tlsanerntzizs s 1 tunr 111 umn I Seat 11j1lE l1K i iH C K MODELS 06 Standard Custom Interior VJ3 Vinyl Bench Seat VDD VGGI VPD1 VSSI Custom Deluxe Super Custom 262 YJ3 Vinyl Bench Seet VDD VGG I FCI VSS1 YJ6l Custom Cloth Bench Seat LDD1 LSS tVJ5l Custom Vinyl Bench Seat Xpm ISSI Cheyenne Super Sierra Grande VEB 4VJ6 Custom Cloth Bench Seat LDD1 LSS1 AMI www Vinyl BMI Sw 1 HEI X SI G MODELS 05 Standard Vinyl emot seat vnez Q vecz vvuz vssz G MODELS 06 Standard Custom Interior YJ3 Vinyl Bucket Seam VDD2 VGG2 VP02 VSS2 Beeuville Rally STX ESI VJ5 Vin IBucItet Seats VPD1 VSS2 lvl e1 Cloth more ennket soars MAA2 Mnoz K Mss v WAREHOUSING AND DISTRIBUTION DIVISION OF GENERAL MOTORS COFIPORATION LT TRUCt 51 REV Z 83 41