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PARTS DATALUGUE TURBO HYDRA MATIC TRANSMISSION PUMP FORWARD DIRECT 8 INTERMEDIATE CLUTCH 8 CENTRE SUPPORT Kay Datcrlptlorr Port No Qty Group Key Descrlptlon Part No Qty Group I Convertor Assy Torque Rnbullt by GM 8622970 I 4 II5 33 Hub Diroct Clutch Driving l967 8623lII I LI64 96B 86257I8 I 4 I64 2 Svol Front Oil Pump 8623789 I 4 226 34 Ring Forword Clutch to Direct 3 Burning OII Pump Bsvdy 86235 40 I 4 726 ctwrtr nuts snap 8623 t2 2 LIM I I s OI P 1 5t1 I 8623944 2 4776 as rrsn orrscr cum nqcrrng 8623l22 1 4 1sa 5 v r mv Oil t r Br Pm as mn nmcr crurnr onvs ss2 14s 1 s tts N S S Port of Key 6 37 Pluto Direct Clutch Driv n B625I97 4 4 I63 6 Pump Assy Front Oil 862498I I 4 224 38 Ring Direct Clutch Spring to Housing 8623I05 I 4 I64 7 Wosher iI Pump Cover to Forword Clutch Housing Ilsrust 39 Retuirrer Direct Clutch Spring 8623I04 I 4 lb4 060 064 Ir1 IhI lc 8623300 AR 4 I 7 40 Spring Diroct Clutch Piston 8623I03 I6 4 I64 07 075 In Thick 862330I AR 4 I69 82 0B6 h k anno AR Alu 4l P1storr Direct Clutch 86255I5 I 4 l66 D93 097Ir1 I hIclc 8623303 AFI 4 I69 2 5 IK D y h P v V g mgry I Lrg 104 1os 1n r111 1r smaor Rs 4 I59 4 CW 1I5 II9 Ir1 I hIcI 8623305 AR 4 69 43 Housing Assy Direct Clutch Wlth Roco 862306I I 4 I69 I2 I30Ir1 Ihi l 86233Db AR 4 l69 A4 Bushing Intermediate Clutch Sprcrg 8 Ring Pump Cover 0II Scul 8623I48 2 4 224 Is Port of Kay 45 8623 745 2 4 l B Y Bolt Pump to SI ror I8xII AR 8 9DU 45 Sprcrg Assy Inturmarliote ClutcI1 In 2 II6 4 I67 10 crrrrsr rmnr 011 sump to cm srszcwrs 1 nre I d I g K 4 B6 3 I 862 I 4 I6B rr sur mnt on sump es cou 1 0 1 mn msross 1 4226 6 R I di cI I s O am d CI h 12 s1 t 1uns1n s4s247r2 I 4 12 1 47 R gQfE I 2 E I 8 3 67 I3 Pin Front Oil Pump Prosxuro I d C R rzsgursrsr vnu png Rsrsrnrng sszaurs 1 4 22s IB R g gm TPO I 85 3 0 67 I4 Vulw Plug Atty Oil B lr 8623I23 I 4 25I rrsswrs rnqularsr s 240 14 1 4 218 N H I I 1 I h 15 spmr 011 Pressure rrsgurursr sprrng sszasss 1 4 216 50 R L msliiag 8 3 U6 I6 Washer Oil Preswn Regulator k nljy I tm Swing Ruuiner I a nmw I A U6 5I Plots tntormodrote Clutch Buc rng I1 I h 8623I5I 3 4 I63 17 spnng 011 vrmurs xsgururur sszzusu 1 4 218 52 l d CIW D di I l B62ZII50 2 4 I 3 IB Bushing A valve uni Hydwwk 53 Plote Internre cate Curclr React on Mcrduiotor Booster 8623 7I5 I 216 54 Plate Intsrmvdioto Clutch Reaction Wovo 8624I99 I LI63 I9 Ring Regulator Bushing Retainer 2746IG I 8 934 55 Ring Centra Support to Coso Snop 8623437 I 4 I62 20 Bolt L Soul Assy Front Oil 56 Ring Centro Support OII Seol 8623IAB 4 4 I62 Pump to Case 1378053 7 4 226 57 Ring Inrerrnedioto Clutch Spring 2I Housing A Washer Pkg Forward Clutch E624908 I 4 I69 Retoinor nop ZI In D 8623l53 I 4 I64 22 Seol Kit Furword Clutch Piston 86239I7 I 4166 58 Rvtcrinvr IrrtcrmedI Ie Clutch Sprlng 8 2il 46 I 4 I 4 23 Piston Forward Clutch c 86240I6 I AJ66 57 spring Intermediate Clutch PIst n Releose 8623I45 3 4 I6 24 Spring Forward Clutch Piston Releora S 24IOI IA 4 I64 A0 Piston Irrtumsdioto Clutch 86242l0 I 4 66 25 Ratolnar Furword Clutch Spring 8623I04 I 4 IU AI seo Kit Intermediate Clutch Piston 86239IB I 4 b6 26 Ring Forward Ciurch Spring to Housing 8623 05 I LIM 62 Support Assy Centr With Roca L Piug 8624992 I 4 I62 27 PI t Forward Clutch Drivcn Wcrvo 862385I I 4 I63 63 Washer Centro Support to Reoctiun 8624088 I 4 I62 2s mn rorwunr cnrrrr mam se2 1s4v 4 4 16 1 8673842 I 4 I80 29 Plore rorwqnr 1 141 mm smtsa s 4 1 sa A I1l I l 30 Woshor Forword Clutrh Housing Bolt Cars to Contre Support 8624009 I 4 I52 H i Bnlwb I MM ss c 1 1rng csnrrs s pp n ss2 1su2 1 4 162 3I Huh Forward Clutch I967 862097 I LI64 F Gu P gbuggg r Lqgg C rm smrrr 1 1 1u 7 C Ai 68 Plate Dincr Clutch Drlvrrn Wavo 862385I I LI63 32 Worker Fnrword Clutch Hula to Direct Clutch Hub Thrust 8624089 I 4 164 N S N t Serviced Svporotaly L GROUP 4 000 TURBO HYDRA MATIG ILLUSTRATION 5 1 MARCH I968