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GM cA1v1AR0 PARTS CATALUGUVE co i l w l Fx P lla 9 v ll I 1 lr G r Z 0 eil S i 0 I il I in g I L E ee I iiii I ii I Y 5 5 2 I l E ZTZT jr 1 N 0 4 V C J Mill O f Q i 9 r 0 j l lx21 Q REAR AXLE CROSS SECTION Kay Derulpuon Group Key Dereriprion Group I flange Defleuor Propeller Shah Pinion 5 545 I5 Gear N S S Parr ol Key 28 2 Delleelar Propeller Slrofl Pinion flonge 5 545 I6 Geor Dillerenliol Side 5 528 3 Seol Reor Axle Propeller Shall Pinion Flange 5 459 17 Cap N S S Pon of Key 6 A Beorlng Assy Reor Axle Dilierensiol Drive Plnion Freni 5 447 IS Bolv Dllierenliol Carrier Beorlng Cop 5 506 5 Sporer Rear Axle Pinion Beoring 5 453 IP Shall Rem Axle 5 420 6 Carrier or Axle Tube Axry Dilierenlial 5 387 20 Woshor Difleroosial Side Geo Yhrusl 5 543 7 Core Dilierenllal 5 5ID zi Wosher Dlllerenllol Pinlan llrrusi 5 542 B Shim or Shim llniv hor Axle Dillerenliol Hearing 5 537 22 Pinion Dillerenliol Side 5 526 9 Garkci Diliorenilol Corrler Cover 5 399 23 Shim Rear Axle Pinion Bearing 5 460 I0 Bearing Assy Dilierenrlol Slde 5 536 Z4 Bearing Roor Axle Dlfferenvlol Drive Pinion Re r 5 484 Cone Dillennlial Bearing Inner 5 535 25 Pinion N S Parl of Kay 28 Roee Dllferenliol Be rlng Ouver 5 536 26 Washer Propeller Shall Pinion Flonge 5 545 il Lock Rear Axle Shofi 5 422 27 Not Propeller Shofl Pinion Flange 5 595 IZ screw Dll eren I l Plnien Shah lozk 5 5IB 28 Serew Hypold Drive Gear 5 53 l I3 Cover Difforenliol Currier 5 398 29 Gonr L Pinion Univ Hypoid Drlee 5 529 I4 Shoh Dlllerenrlol Slde Pinion 5 5l7 N S Nol Serviced Separately 1 l