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SPEED M P H IO 20 30 IIIVIIII IIII E 60 AMP IIIMIIIIIIIlI 2 M 50 IDLE 7 0 50 AMP L c i 3 PULLEY IMM IIIIIIII I III 40 LIIIIIIIII 7 B 35 AMP J l 3 PULLEY 0UTPUT 3 c 35 AMP L c i AMPERES A t 2 M6 PULLEY 30 Q I A 30 AMP D REG PROD IIIHHIIPIIIIIQWM 20 A IIIEIIMIIIIII II ZIPIIIIIII 10 A I II VIHIIIIIII A 4 II YMIIIIIIII A 200 400 600 800 1000 1200 1400 ENGINE SPEED R P M Curves are representative of 3 55 1 axle ratio 7 50 x I4 tires and 1 1 transmission ratio high gear Different tire sizes and or rear axle ratios will vary cut in speed accordingly but will not change generator output characteristics BEGINS REACHES CURVE GENERATOR TO CHARGE FULL CHARGE TYPICAL USAGE A 30 AMP 11 1 MPH 23 MPH Regular production Standard Duty B 35 AMP 12 MPH 26 MPH Extra output Police and Taxi exc 2 way radios and where low speed does not prevail Capable of higher electrical loads at normal driving speed C 35 AMP L C I IDLE 15 MPH Extra output Pass Taxi and Police W 2 way radio and other heavy electrical equipment used in city operation Should not be operated at sustained high speeds D 50 AMP L C I IDLE 17 MPH Extra high output Taxi Police and Utility Co w 2 way radio where high output required at idle and low road speeds May be operated either at low or high speeds E 62 AMP ALTERNATOR IDLE 58 MPH All operations where a higher output and a greater charge at idle is required than furnished by the 50 amp L C I Extremely high output at idle and low road speeds GENERATOR OUTPUT CHART 1962 g Chevrolet Motor Division GEDEFGI Motors Corporation