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SUPPLEMENTARY DATA As an additional convenience this section includes charts of the more active parts together with other information consolidated for quick reference This data supplements the regular parts listing still shown in the usual group location and the chart or table form used will serve to facilitate the finding of parts Use of the dimensional and other distinguishing data will provide a means of identifying mixed stock matching parts from submitted samples etc INDEX Title Page No BASIC ENGINE DATA AND POWER TEAMS i 1966 MAIOR EXHAUST SYSTEM PARTS 1974 GENERATOR CHART 1988 PASSENGER CARBURETOR CHART 4 2004 BEARING CHART 2007 BULB CHART 2020 FUSE CHART 1 2022 PAINT COMBINATION CHART 2023 TWO TONE COLOR COMBINATIONS 2025 TRIM COMBINATION CHART 2028 IDENTIFICATION NUMBERS 2035 PARTS HISTORY INDEX 2063 NOTE Includes Heavy Duty and Law Cab Forward Truck Data Mater Division 1965 General Mae carpommn a f 90 t i AL V I I2 U 9 av A s E 5 2 U E E 2 i 0 Q Fig EI mr 1 0 c E 3 Ea OEz E iwgi 8 O EGQz zg Z s Q0g 2EE 0 m Z gz EE g E Zi 5i E xm P 5 Z jO Z H C EEm jf Z Z gm A 2 g a gag PEE E g 5 gggm i j a z Q i t g dC i 9 a ss 7 1 i W iigg gg g 5 1 Z j Dam E E g e g g9 M C j D 2 Bg C FU U QEZY WOQZ mQ EO C Op O KJO hgzi mg 8 45 rd w 4 OQ pHS LO l D gg 2 5 g g I g U L m 7 m g Z r z I LC2 i Z a g r gy FU 9 gg 4 Q O Z5 U O I Ez D MQ ha 0 U2