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GM6 CHEVROLET i 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 B 9 10 11 12 oa a Ja 15 16 14 13 17 e Zfb 24 23 22 21 20 19 18 1965 IGNITION DISTRIBUTOR 8 CYLINDER Key Description Group Key Description Group 1 Wick distributor cam lubricator 2 364 13 Lead assembly distributor terminal 2 400 2 Condenser distributor 2 393 14 Grommet distributor primary lead 2 401 3 Bracket condenser distributor 2 393 15 Plate distributor breaker 2 385 4 Point unit distributor contact 2 384 16 Spring distributor breaker plate retaining 2 385 5 Screw distributor vacuum control 8 32 x 3 s 8 906 17 Screw and lockwasher distributor contact adjusting 2 387 6 Lockwasher distributor vacuum control screw 8 8 931 18 Cam and weight plate assembly distributor 2 381 7 Control distributor vacuum 2 410 19 Weight distributor 2 388 8 Washer dbstributor breaker plate felt under plate 2 385 20 Shaft and weight plate assembly distributor 2 372 9 Housing assembly distributor 2 362 21 Spring distributor weight 2 389 10 Washer distributor gear shaft 2 374 22 Rotor distributor 2 382 11 Gear distributor 2 374 23 Screw distributor rotor SS 12 Pin distributor gear attaching 2 379 24 Cap assembly distributor 2 367