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<- Model Index Parts and Accessories Catalog P&A 34 February 1969
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Scalp Roof drip 4 4 12 075 Screw DOO glass F 4 10 701 Screw Instr panel compt door knob Screen Air cleaner 3 410 Screw D Elass Sash lD 689 retainer 10 267 Screen Air cond compressor shaft 9 175 W Door l i g IU 463 Screw Instr panel door stop 10 262 Screen Air cond evaporator core 9 211 5 r w D F l l l l 8 l 0 556 gcmw lnsll panel flnlshjng mldgh l0 252 screen Body rear Engine 1 266 r W D r i id mm 4 16 165 Screw Lock to front rail 14 080 Screen carburetor ruei ruier 3 740 r w r l l 10 474 16 157 16 204 screw Lpw sun gw and clutch 4 162 Screen Carb pump strainer 3 841 Screw Door lock control 10 506 16 345 Screw Luggage Compp lid l2 l8 l l2 l8 l Screen Evap expansion valve 9 214 Screw Dom lock insrdc 4 10 512 Screw Luggage compt lock striker 12 237 screen rmi or Bug mmpr rua wss Screw l l smlm 16335 screw Mau eyi iucir 4 656 screen 011 suction 1 656 r w D r l k Striker t pillar 10 570 Screw Main cyl reservoir thumb 4 651 Screen Transmission 4 256 Screw Door Outside handle V V 10 527 16 350 Screw Muffler and exhaust pipe 3 708 screen Traps valve may 4 197 Screw D r wtsidr handle r i i r 10 540 Screw on rum tube assy 1 750 Screen Trans throttle valve feed 4 265 Screw Dom Ulm l4 762 Screw Oil pan 1 428 Screen Turbocharger carb strainer 3 740 Screw DOO WllldO llVl l Screw Oil pan drain 1 453 Screw Air cond comp pulley 9 181 ha l ad l0 7U l Screw Oil pan tv lock washer 1 428 Screw Air injection reactor 3 665 SCl W Dam Wlnd l 9g l3t0f 10 783 16 270 Screw Parking lamp mounting 2 587 Screw Air ventilator outlet 9 789 Screw D00Y Window SUPP 10 716 Screw Pinion shaft 5 518 Screw Automatic choke control 3 750 Sclewr D r wlml Venlcal Bmde 10792 Screw Piston reaction support plate 4 934 Screw Axle filler and drain 5 400 SUNW Elaclllcal O lP l 2 500 Screw Quarter 11 007 11 012 11 040 Screw Back up lamp hole cover Scfewy End gate 17 6lS window 11 041 12 180 attaching 2 697 Screw E l gate lock l2 237 Screw Radiator core 1 270 Screw Back up lamp lens attaching 2 597 Sum E l C l l al fa arid Screw Rear 16 160 Screw Back up lamp switch lever 2 698 watel P mP l 062 Screw Rear axle control arm 5 381 Screw Back window reveal moulding 11 209 S l E El comp 8 O8l Screw Rear door lock 16 332 Screw Body center pillar 14 730 Scrcw Engine air cooling shrcudmg l O25 Screw Rear door lower 10 460 Screw Body side trim 17 112 f W Fender m 1l li g 8 133 Screw Rear door Screw Body sill moulding 8 309 Screw Fldg seat back link to floor 11 620 wlndow 1 748 l 7 8 10 783 10791 Screw Blake mam Cyl 46 1 3 Screw Folding top 14 310 l4 483 Screw Rear door window glass 10 759 Screw Brake shoe adl iiilir 5110 Screw Fldg top frt bow to supt 14 155 Screw Rear door window guide roller 10 726 screw Bumper bar 7 874 r w F ldi z wp from mf 14 050 Screw Rear door window vert guide 10 792 Screw Bumper bal v 7874 Screw Folding top front roof rail 14 080 gclewl Rum llcense lamp i 4 I H 2 7 l8 l W Carbumtol 3 r 7 3 333 Screw Fldg top material to frt bow 14 310 Sclewv Rem quarter arm l5 lll8 screw carburetor air 3 720 r w F ldlr a mv Side ml mil screw Rear qrr wind 11 044 Screw Carb air cleaner bracket 3 403 tr l llnk l4 l55 Screw Rear view mirror 16 069 Screw Cath all hom 3 37 Screw Front door arm trimmed 14 686 Scmwl Rem vlew mlm lO l86 16 065 Screw Carburetor choke 3 750 3 752 Screw F10 dm Ela Screw Regulator 2 500 Screw Carb diaphragm housing 3 838 l W Y Sash Channel lO 687 Screw Roof drip 12 075 Screw Carburetor distribution valve 3 780 S4 l 9W Fr t door UPPEY lll 450 5Cmw Roof luggage Cal pier i 4 i l2 815 Screw Carburetor dust 3 732 Screw Frm door venrilrmr 10670 scm gear r6 6 g Screw Carb fast idle cam adj 3 767 Screw Fl l Seal adluslel ll 56l Screw Seat back stop 11 381 Screw Carburetor float 3 814 W Front l Y arm lem ll 374 Screw Side rr door interlock 16 157 Screw Carburetor fuel inlet r 3 740 SC Fuel meter float bowl 3737 Screw Speed and cruise control Screw Carb fuel outlet attaching 3 786 Screw F l Pump mounting I l I l l l l 7 39Ul power reg r r 3 885 Screw Carburetor idle 3 820 Screw Fuel tank mer 3028 l Screw Speed indicator 9 762 Screw Carb idle adjusting 3 822 Screw Fuel tank gauge al a l ll B 3 ll2 Screw Starting motor 2 077 Screw Carburetor zdle vent 3 852 SC W Fuel lallll SV la 3 023 Screw Starting motor brush 2 052 Screw Carburetor power 3 858 Slif w G3 l ll moulding ll l28 Screw Steering column r 6 760 Screw Carburetor pump 3 841 Screw Gewlrilt 1 1 r 4047 samp gr g gag wom ban 6 843 Sclewl gag pump actuating level 3 762 Screw Gearshift lever 4 012 Scmwl SUE gear worm ball mmm Screw Carburetcr pump discharge S G d l d i 2 307 guide 6 843 nozzle 3 842 S W Gm P l Pl 8 2 3l3 Screw Sunshade support 10 225 Screw Carburetor throttle 3 762 Screw l lam9 a Y atlachlng 2482 l Screw Screw Carb throttle adj 3 767 r w l l9adlamP beam adl 2 737 Tailgate 12 195 12 203 12 180 12 242 Screw Carburetor throttle body 3 741 SC EW Headlamp bezel 2736 Screw Tail gate lock striker 12 242 Screw Carb throttle lever 3 767 5 r W Headlamp filler Pallel l 276 Screw Tail stop and dir signal 2 688 Screw Carb throttle lever adj 3 761 SCl W lleadlaml mvvlding 2 729 Screw Tail stop and direction Screw Car heatcr burner 8 835 Screw H adlamP lo lendal 2 722 signal lamp 2 680 Scmwl Choke tl le m modifier level 3 74g Screw Hood or engine compt lid 8 024 cmW Telescopic lll slewing Screw Choke trip lever and fast Screw l l d 0 Elllima Comlal CO um 5514 idle com 3 752 1di g and hinge 8 016 Screw Trans front servo 4 226 Screw Choke valve attaching 3 751 Screw HOOK UDDEY l0 l Dlala 3 452 Screw Trans governor 4 256 Screw Coat hook 15 388 SC l l ll bl l E 2 819 Screw Trans main valve body 4 217 Screw Compressor oil fitting 9 177 Scrcwr Hom blowing rim 2330 Screw Trans oil pan drain 4 195 Screw Crankcase ventilator 1 750 Screw HON l ll0 2 820 Screw Vacuum power brake piston 4 922 Screw Crankshaft pulley r 0 662 Screw Ham Shield afwh 2 845 Screw Windshield appearance 5 871 Screw Differential carrier cap 5 506 SCl EW l lYP0l l dllv Eeal 5 53l Screw Windshield gamish moulding 10 056 Screw Direction signal control ring Scl W lgnllloll Coil blacltal 2 183 Screw Windshield header side and pivot 2 895 SCrew Instrument cluster 9 744 center mldg 14 050 Screw Distr contact clamp 2 387 Screw lnstrument panel 10 275 14 655 Screw Windshield washer pump 10 153 screw Door and quarter moulding 12 118 w Instr panel brace to w1 10230 screw Windshield wiper 10 163 Screw Door arm 16 155 lK C EVROLET MOTOR DIVISION 34 GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION