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acce s door is located in the top surface of the left hand rear wheelhouse fig 2 26 ST 1NDARD TRANSMISSION GEAR SHIFT CONTROL T ere are two lubrication fittings on the standard trar mission gear shift control located at the shaft con ol arm and shaft support fig 2 27 When parts are iccessible apply Lubriplate or equivalent to control ever ball and control clevis o Fig 2 27 Shift Control Arm and Shaft Support 1 BRAKE AND CLUTCH PEDALS ze brake and clutch pedals incorporate a lube fit tin in the pivot shaft and should be lubricated with ch sis lube every 1000 miles CLUTCH LINKAGE i oat contacting surfaces of clutch spring and lever as mbly with Lubriplate every 5000 miles BODY he Greenbrier Sportswagon and Commercial series wl le incorporating different body construction and st ling than the Corvair Sedan include similar areas of lubrication which should receive regular attention leriodic body lubrication is especially important on th Commercial Vans and Pickups which are subject tc ieavy day to day use Because of the frequent use of ca go doors end gate and side gate ramps it is impor tant that these components be lubricated at the recommended intervals THE FOLLOWING POINTS SHOULD BE LUBRICATED FOUR TIMES EACH YEAR Front Side Door Upper and Lower Hinges Wipe off dirt and old lubricant and apply a light coating of Lubriplate or equivalent to the areas indicated by arrows in Figure 2 28 c t 1 1 v w I Fig 2 28 Front Side Door Upper and Lower Hinges Door Lock Striker Assemblies Front Side Doors Refer to previous sub section and Figure 2 15 Side Double Doors Wipe off dirt and old lubricant and apply stainless stick type lubricant to areas indicated in Figures 2 29 Rear Doors Wipe off dirt and old lubricant and apply stainless stick type lubricant to areas indicated in Figure 2 30 Door Check Assemblies Wipe off dirt and old lubricant and apply Lubriplate to front side door check arms and stick type lubricant to side double and rear door check arms fig 2 31 Ramp Door and End Gate Apply light coating of engine oil to hinge Wipe off dirt and old lubricant and apply stick type lubricant to CORVAIR SHOP MANUAL