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sECI SuSPI CONTENTS C Co irair 500 700 and 900 Series ispension heels and Tires Co vair 95 and Greenbrier 1200 Series ispension Fheels and Tires susP CORVAIR 500 7 Ir Page Ge ieral Description 3 1 M intenance and Adjustments 3 2 ubrication 3 2 djustment of Front Wheel Bearings 3 2 Vheel Alignment Preliminary Steps 3 3 Front Wheel Alignment 3 3 Camber Adjustment 3 3 Caster Adjustment 3 4 Steering Axis Inclination 3 4 iii Toe in Adjustment 3 4 Cornering Wheel Relationship 3 5 Rear Wheel Alignment 3 5 f Toe in Adjustment 3 5 Camber 3 5 S4 vice Operations 3 5 ront Suspension 3 5 Front Hub and Drum 3 5 GENERAL All models utilize the S L A Short Long arm type f Dnt suspension with spherical joints connecting the r wtrol arms and steering knuckles fig 3 1 Brake c ve and acceleration torque is controlled by strut r ids running from the outer ends of the lower con t ol arms to brackets that trail back from the fronl rioN 3 ENSION IF THIS SECTION Page 3 1 3 20 3 29 3 36 ENSION 00 AND 900 SERIES JDEX Page Shock Absorbers 3 7 Inspection of Spherical Joints 3 7 Riding Height and Coil Spring Sag 3 8 Coil Springs Lower Control Arms Spherical Joints and or Bushings 3 8 Upper Control Arms Spherical Joints Cross Shafts and or Bushings 3 11 Strut Rod 3 12 Suspension Cross Member 3 13 Rear Suspension 3 14 Shock Absorbers 3 14 Riding Height and Rear Coil Spring Sag 3 14 Coil Springs 3 14 Lower Control Arm 3 15 Suspension Cross Member 3 18 Front and Rear Suspension to Body Alignment 3 19 Cage Nut Repair 3 19 Troubles and Remedies 3 36 Specifications 3 38 Special Tools 3 39 DESCRIPTION cross member Cornering sway is controlled by rubber bushed control arms The rear suspension is independently sprung with individual control arms The rear axles operate through universal joints mounted on each side of the axle case CORVAIR SHOP MANUAL