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Illustration Catalog 41A September 1980 |

1 B12 2 A WN f K riff 3 1 Q A W V 4 A 612 2 1976 c CUSTOM LANDAU TOP 1 1 WELT Rf Dbl Cord 12 075 2 MOLDING Rf Frt Crown 12 075 6 RETAINER 11111616 8 133 4 66111 1 W lt 11 12 075 6 NAMEPLATE cus161111 1 21 1 14 691 6 1x1A1v161 tAr6 LANDAU 2 12 812 7 PANEL O Wdo Ext Filler 14 645 8 PANEL O Wd0 Int Filler Q 14 645 T 6 1v16t 11 16 6611 Rvl Rr 12 812 10 61 16 Belt 1111169 12 812 11 TOP Rf Pnl Cvr W Pad 13 250 12 PAD Part of Item 11 N S NOTE 1 Cut as required from 25 roll V NOTE 2 Sunfoof A S C installation will have CUSTOM LANDAU nameplate on sail panel Fisher Bo dy installation will have Landau on qtr glass bright back lite moldings Q GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS 66111 611i41161 1 6u1c1 41A 9 80 12 347 12 000 GROUP