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Screw Front door upper 10 450 Screw Seat 16 679 Seal Distributor cam lubricator 2 364 Screw Front door ventilator 10 670 Screw Seat back stop 11 381 Seal Engine access door 17 225 Screw Front fender 8 143 Serew Side Fl deer i t fl0 l 16 157 Seal Engine blower and coolant pump 1 105 Screw Front seat adjuster 11 561 S reW Speed and cruise l Seal Engine comm panel 16 547 Screw Fuel meter float bowl 3 737 POWSY leg 3 885 Seal Engine rear housing 0 213 Screw Fuel pump mounting 3 gg1 Screw Speed indicator 9 762 Seal Eng rr housing crankcase Screw Fuel tank filler 3 028 Serewr Startins meter 2 077 frt end 0 213 1 Screw Fuel tank gauge attaching 3 112 Screw Starting motor brush 2 052 Seal Engine shield 1 030 Screw Fuel tank strap 3 023 S l Wr Steering Column 6 760 Seal Exhaust and inlet pipe 3 611 Screw Garnish moulding 11 123 Screw Strg gear worm ball 6 843 Seal Exhaust manifold 3 602 Screw Gearshift control 4 047 Screw Strg gear worm ball retum Seal Exhaust pipe 3 611 Screw Gearshift lever 4 012 guide 6 843 Seal Fldg top hyd mtr hose to mtr 14 482 Screw Gen drive end 2 307 screw Slmshade S PP l l 10 225 Seal Fldg top hyd pump reservoir 14 486 Screw Gen pole piece 2 313 Screw Seal Flywheel clutch housing 0 677 Screw Harness assy attaching 2 482 Tailgate 12 195 12 203 12 180 12 242 Seal Front fender 8 154 Screw Headlamp beam adj 2 737 S l Wr Tail gate l0 k Stfikef 12 242 Seal Front spring seat pivot 7 418 Screw Headlamp bezel 2 736 Screw Tail step and dir Signal 2 688 Seal Front wheel bearing 6 326 Screw Headlamp 5116 pane L276 Screw Tail stop and direction Seal Fuel pump mounting 3 904 Screw Headlamp moulding 2 729 signal lamp 2 680 Seal Fuel tank filler neck 3 008 Screw Headlamp to fender 2 22 Screw Telescopic steering wheel 6 516 Seal Gearshift control 4 047 Screw Hood or engine compt lid 8 024 Scmw Tm Steering c 1 m 6 514 Seal Gearshift control rod support 4 042 Screw I god 01 engine eempt Screw Trans front servo 4 226 Seal Gearshift floor mounted lever 4 015 moulding and hinge 8 016 Serewr Tl s E V l Y 4 256 Seal Heater 8 857 Screw Hook upper lock plate 3 452 Serew Trans l i V1 llV b dY 4 2 7 Seal Heater air distributor 9 260 9 795 C Screw Hom blowing 2 819 Screw Tfafls Oil Pan drain 4 195 Seal Heater air distributor Screw Horn blowing ring 2 830 S l Wr Tl eil Pump 4 197 cross air duct 9 786 Screw Hom button 2 820 Sclewr Vecl l l P W l brake PlSt 4 922 Seal Heater blower 10i r 8 856 Screw Horn shield attch 2 845 S l Wr Windshield PP 1 5 871 Seal Heater core pipe 8 854 Screw Hypoid drive gear 5 531 Screw Windshield garnish menlding 10 056 Seal Heater defroster 8 857 Screw Ignition coil bracket 2 183 Scfewr Windshield h adef side d Seal Hood ledge 12 801 Screw Instrument cluster 9 744 center mldg 14 050 Seal H d l Bl 0 lP l U t 8 080 Screw Instrument parret 14 655 Screw Windshield Washer Pump 10453 Seal Hood or engine eomparnnent lid 81155 Screw Insth pane b ace to COW1 10233 Screw Windshield wiper 10 163 Seal Hydraulig Screw Instr panel compt door knob Screw Windshield steering 6 581 6 612 6 617 6 635 6 674 retainer 10 267 WlP l 10 150 10 151 16 065 Seal Instrument panel 9 749 Screw Instr panel door stop 10 262 Screw Wifidshleld WlP Seal Lighting monitor 2 584 Screw Instn panel I motor Seal Mu hose to motor Screw License plate bezel 7800 Seal Accelerator 3 456 Seal Mu shaft 0 ring 14 482 Screw Lock to front ran 14 039 Seal Accelerator rod linkage 3 469 Seal Oil cooler 1 550 Screw Low erm gear and clutch 4 162 saa1 Air cleaner 3 403 Seal Oil drain table 0 443 screw Luggage Compg lid 2 183 12 1g4 Seal Air cond air adapter 9 207 Seal Oil filler and level 1 516 Screw Luggage compt leek strike 12 237 Seal Air cond air inlet 9 218 Seal Oil filler and level gauge 1 745 Screw Main CYL lock 4656 Seal Air cond compressor 9 226 Seal Oil pan 1 429 Screw Main cyl reservoir thumb 4 651 Seal Air cond compresS0r Illt l al 9172 631 Oil S PPlY P lP Pafts 4 203 Screw Mume and exhaust Pipe 3 708 Seal Air cond compression shaft 9 175 Seal Parking brake cable 4 784 Screw Oil filler tube assy 1 750 Seal Air cond evaporator 9 216 Seal Parking lamp 2 599 Sggew Ou pan 1 42g Seal Air injection reactor 3 665 3 675 Seal Radiator filler 1 210 Screw Oil par drain 1 453 Seal Air Susveneian valve 7 482 Seal Rear axle shaft 5 430 Screw Oil pan w lock washer 1 428 Sealr BaCk P lamp hole cover 2 697 Seal Rear idler lever pivot pin 3 456 Screw Parking lamp rrrerrrrtrrrg 2 587 Seal Battery aeeese deer 16 548 Seal Rear wheel bearrrrg 5 822 Screw prrrrerr shaft 5 518 Seal Blewer meter reaialar 1855 Seal Retarding brake eentrel 0 829 Screw piston reaction Support p1ate 4 g34 Seal Body side 16 790 17 110 Seal Reverse clutch piston 4 166 Screw Quarter 11 007 11 012 11 040 Seal Body side panel 17 110 Seal Servo cover 4 212 window 11 041 12 180 Seal Brake 8l l6 4 34 Seal Speedo driven gear 4 338 Screw Radiator core 1 270 Seal Brake mein cyl 652 Seal Steering column 6 760 Screw Rear 16 160 Seal Bl 8k Pedal 4 626 Seal Steering connecting rod 6 886 Screw Rear axle control arm 5 381 Seal Ca b t l choke 3 752 s alr St l l E E al housing 6 840 Screw Rear door lock 16 332 Seal Clutch and brake Pedal 0 829 Seal Steering gear housing end plug 6 825 Screw Rear door lower 10 460 Seal Clutch rod dust control 0 829 Seal Steering gear hyd cylinder screw Rear door Seal Clutch rod dust control 0 829 piston 6 579 window 10 748 10 768 10 783 10 791 Seal Clutch throwout brg 0 805 4 203 Seal Strg gear jacket 6 758 Screw Rear door window glass 10 759 Seal C l t P lP 1 123 Seal Steering gear pitman arm 6 861 Screw Rear door window guide roller 10 726 Seal Cowl top ventilator 12 800 Seal Strg gear pitman shaft 6 855 Sci ew Rem door window vert guide 10 792 Seal Crankshaft rear brg oil 0 137 Seal Steering gear side corner 6 809 gcrewy Rea license 1 np 2 70 g Seal Differential carrier 5 508 Seal Strg idler brg 6 898 Screw Rear quarter arm 15 108 Sealr Differential beaflllg adj Sleeve 5 539 Seal Strg knuckle control arm 6 166 Screw Rem qh Wind 11 044 Seal Door 16 430 Sea SU g shaft 6 519 Screw Rear view mirror 16 069 Seal Deer glass sash 16190 Seal strg shaft 6 519 Screw Rear view rrrrrrer 10 186 16 065 S 1 D inside mm 16165 Seal Strg shaft ripper bearing Seat 6526 Screw Regulator 2500 Seal Drive pinion 5 484 Seal Tail lamp mtg 2 560 Screw Roof drip 12 075 Seal Drive pinion 5 484 Seal Thermostat housing 1 252 screw Roof luggage Carrier 12 315 Seal Drive shaft pinion 5 469 Seal Tre rod dust 6 111 I 967 Chevrolet Motor Division CCC 28 General Motors Corporation REVISED NOVEMBER 1 1967