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Parts and Accessories Catalog P&A 14 May 1980 |

ALPHABETICAL INDEX NEEDLE Carburetor and Fuel Injection Idle NUT Lighting Switch Rod I I I II 2 487 Adjusting I I I I I 3 822 NUT Luggafge Deck Lid 12 815 NEEDLE KIT Carburetor and Fuel Meter Intake NUT Main ylinder Adjusting 4 662 with Seat and Gasket 3 814 NUT Muffler 3 704 NIPPLE Crankcase 1 745 NUT Pitman Arm 6 861 NIPPLE Fuel Tank Filler 3 003 NUT Propeller Shah Pinion Flange 5 595 NIPPLE Heater 8 866 NUT Radiator Core 1 270 NIPPLE Spark Plug Wire 2 258 NUT Radiator Grille Also See Group 8 055 1 303 NOZZLE Carburetor 3 774 NUT Radiator Grille and Engine Baffle NOZZLE Fuel Injector Metering 3 332 Attaching 1 276 NOZZLE Headlamp Washer 2 780 NUT Radiator Grille Molding 1 269 NOZZLE Windshield Wiper 10 156 NUT Radiator Grille 1 267 NUMERAL Hood Also See Group 1 303 8 055 NUT Radio and Stereo Mounting 9 667 NUT Accelerator 3 454 NUT Radio Noise Suppression 9 663 NUT Air Cleaner 3 403 NUT Rear Axle Control Arm 5 383 NUT Air Conditioning Compressor Pulley 9 181 NUT Rear Axle 5 829 NUT Air Conditioning Electrical and Blower NUT Rear Compartment Floor 12 981 Motor Control 9 275 NUT Rear Compartment Lid and Rear End NUT Air Conditioning Hose 9 242 Panel 12 182 NUT Air Duct 9 782 NUT Rear Compartment 12 184 NUT Air Flow Control with Tube 9 787 NUT Rear Ctuarter Molding 12 118 NUT Air Injection Reactor Pump Mounting 3 655 NUT Rear Spring Attach Parts 7 529 NUT Alr Injection Reactor 3 670 NUT Rear Spring 7 516 NUT Antenna 9 647 NUT Rear View Mlrror 10 186 NUT Body Rear End plastic laminate 12 986 NUT Rear Window 9 778 NUT Brake Band Adjusting 4 253 NUT Rocker Panel Molding 8 309 NUT Brake Shoe Adjusting Screw 5 111 NUT Root 12 812 NUT Bumper Sheet Metal 7 833 NUT Roof 12 952 NUT Carburetor and Fuel Meter Fuel Inlet 3 740 NUT Seat Back with Springs less Cushion 11 373 NUT Carburetor and Fuel Meter Intake with NUT Shock Absorber Frame 7 395 Seat and Gasket 3 814 NUT Shock Absorber Air Lift 7 346 NUT Carburetor Throttle 3 762 NUT Shock Absorber 7 347 NUT Clock 9 772 NUT Speedometer and Odometer Miles 9 761 NUT Clutch Fork Push Rod 0 793 NUT Stabilizer Link 7 245 NUT Clutch Release Lever 0 873 NUT Starter Motor 2 104 NUT Connecting Rod Bearing Cap Bolt 0 626 NUT Steering Column 6 760 NUT Cowl Belt 12 110 NUT Steering Gear Ball 6 841 NUT Door Arm Rest and Trim Pad 14 688 NUT Steering Gear wdraulic Pump 6 655 NUT Door Lock 10 474 NUT Steering Gear orm Bearing 6 832 NUT Door Outside Locking Handle less NUT Steering Knuckle Lower Control Arm cylinder 10 527 Attaching 6 172 NUT Door Trim Finish 14 691 NUT Steering Knuckle Lower Control Arm Pivot 6 174 NUT Door Window Glass Guide 10 728 NUT Steering Knuckle Spindle 6 022 NUT Door Window Glass Lower Sash 10 685 NUT Steering Knuckle Upper Control Arm 6 164 NUT Door Wlndow Regulator Manual or NUT Steering Knuckle Upper Control Arm 6 178 Electric 10 792 NUT Steering Shaft U Joint 6 525 NUT Door Window 10 716 NUT Stop Lamp 2 447 NUT Electrical Output See Group 2 319 for NUT Sunshade Suppon 10 219 Breaker 2 500 NUT Tall Lamp 2 660 NUT Emergency and Salety Lamp Socket NUT Tail Lamp 2 688 Replacement 2 575 NUT Tie Rod End F 6 234 NUT Engine Mounting Small Attachlng 0 002 NUT Top Roof Outer 12 810 NUT Engine 0iI Distribution System Also See NUT Transmission Gearshitt Hand Lever Floor Group 8 963 1 531 Mounted 4 017 NUT Exhaust Pipe Support 3 616 NUT Transmission Main Drlve Gear Bearing 4 356 NUT Exhaust Pipe 3 613 NUT Transmission Throttle Valve Operating NUT Fan Coolant 1 055 Parts 4 275 NUT Folding Top Compartment Lid Lock 12 237 NUT Transmission 4 115 NUT Folding Top Front Roof 14 050 NUT Trim Body Center Pillar With Metal Inner NUT Front Fender Molding 8 133 Panel 14 730 NUT Front Fender 8 147 NUT Underhocd 8 890 NUT Front or Rear Bumper Bar Mounting and NUT Vacuum Power Brake 4 901 Attaching 7 874 NUT Valve Push Rod Adjusting 0 429 7 NUT Fuel Injector 3 330 NUT Wheel Carrier 7 633 NUT Fuel Tank Strap 3 023 NUT Windshield Access 10 130 NUT Gas Tank Filler Neck Compartment 12 945 NUT Windshield Wiper Motor 10 151 NUT Gearshift Lever Selector and Indicator 4 022 NUT Windshield Wiper Switch 10 163 NUT Gearshift Rod to Lever 4 037 NUT Generator Armature 2 280 NUT Hardtop 13 346 NUT Headlamp Lens and Sealed Beam 0 Retaining 2 736 NUT Headlamp Moulding 2 729 NUT Heater 8 857 OCTANE ADJUSTMENT KIT Distributor Spark NUT Hood 8 024 Advance Trans Electric Control Also see NUT Hub Front and Rear 5 813 Group 4 075 2 408 NUT Hydraulic Steering Cylinder 6 575 OIL A C Compressor 9 282 NUT Ignition Lock 2 198 0IL Engine Concentrate 1 850 NUT Ignition Pulse Trensistorized 2 383 OIL Steering Gear Hydraulic 6 605 NUT Ignition Switch Waming and Theft Alarm 2 195 ORIFICE Air Conditioning Evaporator Expansion 9 213 NUT lnstmment Panel Compartment Door 10 262 O RING 9 172 NUT Instrument 9 743 0 RING Air Conditioning Compressor Internal NUT KIT Air Conditioning Less Clutch 9 170 Axial Type 9 172 NUT License Plate 7 800 GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORAT 0N CHEVROLET 14 INDEX 64