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Corvette Assembly Manual January 1978 |

J 4 4 1 Continued rom D A11 7 Z APPLICATION OF MOLDING USING SHELF AND HI ADHESION TEST REQUIREMENTS CAPSULE TYPE ASSEMBLY FIXTURE Molding assemblies shall not exliibif any Evidence of A Moldings to be hand nnpned to betty my entire length f r it g gOj blate av thi i W g pulid t Memangs and eeuy musl be nt the specified temperature a Cm am of 2 50 l gays l Me R a B Moldings to be rnek re1xe u zne body nnm e unce1y 5 im 13 ME i f ute ST A 91 upon installation xvlxilc moleling zmd body nrc at specified iw S educ xljcatgm and dm desi il O 1 t O r T k mum r m 0 DG 201 5 u ui e ticsts to be eO nn ned et an imneni zm 0 ni minimum it t cd 90 F HOC d c Moldings to me n nngnnreeeure ron oneness QQ f1 fn f S Q gx t t f m hom G nnnnnum at 40 lhs uma N when nte su e 1 at the Y g r Jller and nmlding cunlnci point HigI pressure power A Moldings with ape widths from 43 inches IO 9 mm roller to be within wo Z cnr lcngihs from first Tnck to 72 inrhcs 18 3 mm wide must mech pull forces roll application of 45 liv ZOO Ni minimum r x e um tnneuudtne or 12 xnenes ms mm l 1z j 1 Squccyc Out er c cc sive v l cs101r11 wn10rcr B d S ewnen an mud warn on nn uns nnmtnm vS nm me VMS 70 M Wim dnlumm JU imnnnum Zi A molding with Itdlxcsivc promoicr 9951501 Applied mw TILC ItdiiC Si D bolid ti molding is nol to overlap the cncc in euntnec n nn wty surface will result in body Hour ww r r k cyiinder or body pilinl damage if rc posiiioncd or rc t i tnCd uygirninsi tm any iitsiitlluiiun Moldings must be E In an installutiou systems nnntseuxnr attention tu putnng Lm ld me t l gu 0 the molding ends is ruquircd Picture hxinxcs Any seciion nf ieiniriiwig onct in conlact with any Spears ctc surlxum must m be used Gxccpl by Rpprscv Ed rvpuir prmcxiurc Dnl t Drawing 725048 For milnllnlion z1n t s ir1g of arlhrzsivc moldings without prmm 1c r Sec mtu Drawing 1G5i142 n ln T ZZ jj T T T T Egg g iw 4 t 4 4 L i Z ET f i ZB i ZmZ yr 22 r M 4 i i i 4 mumtsxvss r 1o mr v1N T oC110 423 5 t 1 Z2 V li i S wF LACQUER K ggovnwsllfe i sj A1 VEHYCLFZS Ivxuuen c w e4m l gy R wm REF DWG mm Jiiffif E 222Z 3 ij Ngw 2 24 78 Iaomzzs L O A1 1 8