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Corvette Assembly Manual January 1978 |

2 U 2 i 4 J 1246249 E SHIM swassua E sum 2 z c 2222 i Qeim g 2fQ V Q s T smimzn Moron I 0 lb Q 0 3 y I 4z J s H smnwm Noisn REPAIR pnocxammz I L Noise during cranking use J qw Mid shim Eoin outboard pad only Use no j more than four shams u 0 Noise alter engine fires use E 00 hw shim Ehpply shims one at a time un t U til noise is corrected Use no more i I 4 than four shims Q L For combinations of the above use i QX no more than four shims eocexiy lim Loosen this bolt when nom Rsmuove this bolt to V installing E Shim install Q shim then Tishtw b 1i 0 reign bolt andtighhen wvq 0 4 W r N Loosen bo h bolts when installing 1 shim Tighten both bolts n nnn nn o o o i W 7 CORVETTE uYn 464887 i Q 34 48 1 1n 5 STARTER MGTGR SH1M g Y lm nzmm 0Nx y i i MUD ALL i 1 ti FM 5 57 V n ov L e l