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Chassis and Body Parts Catalog P&A 11 April 1977
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1966 1968 CHEVROLET PROTECT O PLATE Continued LOCATION D Carburetor Source E Plant E Plant B Bay City H Holley C Carter R Rochester Location E Engine Production Code Number Explanation EXAMPLE F1210FA Fl l1Z 10 FAI Flint Motor Month Day 10th 153 155 163 16500 Series December 230 6 Cyl F Flint Motor Tl Tonawanda Engine Plant K McKinnon Industries V Flint Engine S Saginaw Service Engine plants will stamp a source production date and engine sullix on all engines Assembly plants wlll stamp assembly giant designation and continuous sequence number portion of the vehicle identitication number on al 327 350 96 409 and 427 cubic Inch engines except corvette Since all Corvettes are gilt as St Louis the assembly plant designation is not required Here only the continuous sequence number wlll use Engine Production Code Number Locations PASSENGER 4 or 6 Cyl Sumped on pad right slde ol engine at rear of distributor CORVAIR Stamped on top ol engine block immediately forward ol generator oil litter adapter PASSENGER V 8 Stamped on pad Immediately forward of right hand cylinder head LOCATION F Rear Axle Number Number will contain prellx letters production date numbers and vsullix letter EXAMPLE BHDZIZG BH D2 l12l Gl Chevy Il Month Day 12th Axle Plantr February G Chevrolet Gear Axle W Warren B Bullalo K McKinnon Industries LOCATION G Month of Voliicle Build 1966 1967 Code Month Code Month Month Code Month T January A Ju y V August 1966 P February 1967 B February D August L September 1966 W March 1967 M March U Sepbtggnber R October 1966 N April 1967 E April F Oi r K November 1966 Y May 1967 J May O November Z December 1966 T June 1967 G June C December S January 1967 X July 1967 1968 Code Month Code Month T August 1967 2 February 1968 9 September 1967 3 March 1968 0 October 1967 4 Aprll 1968 N November 1967 5 May 1 868 D December 1967 6 June 1968 1 January 1968 7 July 1968 GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORAT ON CHEVROLET l1 zz REV 10 76