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Chassis and Body Parts Catalog P&A 11 April 1977 |

i I 327 ENGINE ASSEMBLY I 0 000 ENGINE ASSEMBLY NOTE When installing the fol owing engines on applicable past models non interchangeable parts must be discarded and replaced with parts that Ht the replacing engine See Engine Installation Instruction Charts in the General lnlormation Section forparte and instructions necessary with service engines on past model information 64 67 Chevelle Camaro 327 exc Sp H Per 65 67 Pass 327 3970188 1 885 00 less flywheel dist exh milds clutch houslng and all clutch components The above engine assemblies do not Include the following sub assanrb es V Carburetor Fen Blade and Pulley Ignition Wlrlng Fuel Pump Generator Starting Motor Oil Fllter Assy Ignition Coil Ventilator Assy NOTE Special equipment production assemblies are available while in production through Central 0fHca on direct order Form PC 785 0 002 BOLT WASHER Engine Mounting Small Attachlng 64 67 Chevelle 327 68 Pass 327 3840748 1 31 right side 14 x 4 85 Malibu 8 327 3774468 1 93 rear mtg hex ia 20 x 3 frt bracket fldg plate 67 68 Pass Chevelle w A I R 327 67 68 Camaro w A R C A C 327 68 Chevy 327 9424822 1 53 special hex 16 x 2 flat point 300M steel w pump and upper rlght side repl 3785362 62 68 All 327 exc Pass 3954735 2 15 WASHER brkt to engine Ieh side l repl 3693853 14 875 0 010 GASKET UNIT Engine or Tune Up 64 69 All 327 3970634 1 8 45 englne 0 027 MOUNTING UNIT CABLE UNIT Engine B CYLINDER 1 1 QI Q K G i lr i 0 l l 0 1 1 AQ J Q q TVPE A rvre a rvre c wr n 1 NOTE Mount units 39 909 I4 and 39 909 IB include a mount mount to frame bracket bolt washers and nut Mount units 3988989 and 39 90920 include the above items and also e power steering pump brace and mount to cylinder case attaching bolts and lockwaahers 64 87 Chevelle 327 See Note 4 65 67 Chevy 327 65 68 Pass 327 exc P S See Note 5 65 68 Pass w P S 327 Right hand side replacement only See V Note 5 67 88 Camaro 327 exc P S 67 68 Camaro w P S 327 Right hand side replacement only 68 Chevy 327 exc P S 68 Chevy w P S 327 Right hand slde replacement only 68 Chevelle 327 See Note 5 69 Pass Camaro 327 3590914A R 11 00 Note 4 5 4 GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION CHEVROLET 11 REV 4 77 0 71 0 000 0 027 5 l