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Chassis and Body Parts Catalog P&A 11 April 1977
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FRONT AXLE STEERING 6 514 SHOE BUMPER GATE GUIDE HOUSING ASSY KNOB LEVER PIN PLATE RETAINER SCREW SPACER SPHERE SHIELD SPRING STOP SUPPORT ASSY LOCK BRACKET ASSY WASHER WEDGE Tilt or Tel Steering Column Con 1 72 75 Camaro w A T exc floor console T W 7800177 I 59 RETAINER swing 67 68 Pass Chevelle Camaro 5698404 4 42 SCREW column supt asm 28 x W r 1 69 Pass Chevelle Camaro w T W 7 Tel W 70 All w T W exc Camaro 71 75 Camaro w A T exc floor console T W 71 75 All w I W 7807274 4 36 SCREW strg column support 67 68 Pass Chevelle Camaro 7801021 Z 1 15 SPHERE shaft centering 64 66 Pass Chevelle w T W 65 70 Pass 63 70 Chevy Chevelle Camaro 71 75 Camaro w A T exc floor console T W 71 75 All w T W 7808505A R 3 90 SPHERE UNIT shaft centering Note 1 NOTE 1 Unit consists of 2 Sphere column shaft center ng 2 Spheres canton 1 Spring 1 Instruction sheet as Pm cnavaua camam w T w 70 All w T W exo Camaro 71 75 Camaro vv A T exc floor console T W l 71 75 All w T W 7605608 1 59 SHIELD strg column tilt lever opening 75 Vega Monza w P S 360327 1 3 30 SHIELD strg shalt coupling 64 66 Chevelle 6566 Pass 5676787 Z 1 30 SPRING steering column tilt 64 68 Pass Chevelle Camaro w T W 5678311 1 79 SPRING strg shaft yoke 67 68 Chevelle Camaro 67 Pass SB8998 Z 1 60 SPRING shoe rtn 67 68 Pass Chevelle Camaro A 69 Pass Chevelle Camaro w T W Tal W 70 All w T W exc Camaro r 71 All w T W 72 Camaro w T W 72 Monte Carlo 72 Camaro w A T exc floor oansaia r w 73 75 All w T W 5696410 1 86 SPRING shoe rel 67 68 Pass Chevelle Camaro 5698415 1 1 30 SPRING tilt 67 69 Pass Chevelle Camaro w T W exc 3 Spd 70 All w T W exc Camaro 71 75 All w T W 72 75 Camaro w AT exc floor console T W 7804912 2 59 SPRING look shoe return 69 Pass Chevelle Camaro w T W 70 All w T W exc Camaro 71 All w T W 7812854 1 1 35 SPRING tilt 72 75 All w T W 78I2854 1 1 35 SPRING steering column wheel tilt 75 Vega Monza w T W 7816826 1 66 SPRING inhibitor return 67 66 Chevelle Camaro floor shift w T W 67 Pass Floor Shift 5698847 I l3 85 SUPPORT ASSY strg cel 69 Pass Chevelle Camaro T W w A T exo bucket seats floor controls 69 Pass Chevelle Camaro T W w floor shift 70 All w T W exc Camaro 71 72 Pass w A T exc T W 71 All w T W 72 Camaro w T W exc A T 72 75 Chevelle w T W exo Monte Carlo 73 75 Pass w A T exo T W 73 75 Camaro w T W exc A T 7807635 1 19 00 SUPPORT ASSY turn signal housing 71 All w T W exc floor console 72 75 Pass w T W 72 75 Chevelle w T W A T exo floor console 1 1 GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS CORPORATION CHEVROLET l1 6 514 6 514 0 22 REV 4 77