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Illustration Catalog P&A 11A October 1976 |

1 I 1967 69 CAMARO SPT CPE BODY SHEET METAL 1 10 027 SUPPORT Windshleld Glass 32 12 944 PANEL Whee h0use Outer 2 12 803 PANEL ASSY Shroud UPPer Component of Item 25 3 12 804 PANEL ASSY hroud Vent Duct Center 33 12 956 RAILASSY Side Roof Includes 4 10 230 BRACE nstrument Panel to Center Duct Item 35 Component of Item 25 5 10 230 PANEL ASSY Instrument 34 12 941 PANEL Re r Quarter Inner 6 12 650 BRACE ASSV Dush to Motor Upper Component of Item 25 Mount Rail Component of Item 7 35 12 075 l IOLDING FIoo1 Drip 7 l2 804 PANEL ASSY Dash Includes Item 6 Component of Item 33 8 12 804 PANEL 5hroud Vent Duct Side 36 10 230 SUPPORT lns trument Panel End 9 12 659 REINFOFlCEMENT Front Bodv Hinge Component of Item 11 4 Pillar to Rooker 37 12 075 MOLDlNG WindshieId Pillar Drip A 10 12 840 PANEL ASSY Front Body Hinge Pillar 38 12 804 PANEL Shroud Lower 11 12 659 REINFORCEMENT ASSY Front Body 39 12 895 PANEL A Y Front Door Outer Hinge Pillar to Duct Includes Item 36 Component of Item 40 12 12 810 PANELy Roof 40 10 351 DOOR ASSY Front I3 12 952 8OW Fioof Longitudinal Includes Item 39 I4 12 807 FRAME ASS WindxhieId Inner Upper 41 12 934 PANEL ASSV Do r Opening 15 12 952 8OW Floof Rooker Outer 16 12 964 PANEL Back Window Inner 42 12 934 REINFORCEMENT Rocker Outer Panel 17 N L BRACE Rear Seat Back Diagonal 43 12 942 RE NFORCEMENT Body Lock Pillar 18 12 1 Bl LID ASSV Flear Compartment V 44 12 941 FILLER Ouarter Window Lower Rear 19 12 981 PAN Rear Compartment Corner20 21 12 986 RAlL Rear End Crose 46 12 971 PANEL ASSV Rear Seat Back Shelf 22 12 981 FILLER Compartment Pan to 47 12 971 PANEL ASSY Rear Compartment Quarter Panel Front r 23 12 971 EXTENS ON She f Panel 48 12 186 PlN Compartment Lid Hinge Component of Item 25 49 12 184 SUPPORT Cornpartment Lid Hinge 24 12 981 REINFORCEMENT ASS Compartn1ent 50 12 187 STRAP Compartment Lid Hinge Pan at Gas Tank 51 12 981 SUPPORT ASS Spare Tire Clamp 25 12 944 PANEL ASSY WheeIh0use Includes Anchor Plate I Itern 2331 3233 34 52 12 945 COVER Gas Tank Filler Neck Tube 26 12 986 RAIL ASSY FIear Compartment Protector Side 53 12 945 HO E Gax Tank Filler Neck Tube 27 12 934 FILLER Rocke r Inner Panel Rear Protector 28 12 980 RE NFOFlCElV ENT Floor Pan at 54 12 237 PLATE ComDaftment Lld Lock Striker Rear DrinD Front Anchor 29 12 934 PANEL Rocker lnrwr 55 12 945 FiETAINER Gas Tank Filler Neck Tube 30 12 981 BAR ASSY Compartment Pan Cross 56 12 996 GUTTER Compartment Lid Side Front 57 7 836 SUPPOFlT Reer Bumper 31 12 941 PANEL FIear Ouarterlnner 58 N L REINFORCEMENT Rear End Panel Low Component of Item 25I Component of Item 59 59 12 966 PANEL R ar End 12 710 GM PARTS DIVISION GENERAL MOTORS COFIPORAT ON CHEVROLET 1 1A A 12 201 12 000 GROUP